Chapter Seventy-Three - City of Angels (SkyZero)

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Hey guys! I'm back with chapter seventy-two! Yey~ This one is SkyZero which had been requested a few times-- but I don't remember the username of who's been requesting it. •3• Damn it... You know who you are! The song in this is "City of Angels" by 30 Seconds of Mars cause I'm currently obsessed with this song •-• ALSO, I ACTUALLY CAME UP WITH A PLOT FOR A CHAPTER FOR ONCE! YUS! X3 Okay, enjoy! Baiiii!!!!!


There was truth

Sky shuddered, the crisp winter air nipping at his flesh.

There was consequence

A cold whimper escaped his pale and chapped lips.

Against you, a weak defense

The teen sat in a city alleyway, clutching raggedy blankets over his body in a pitiful attempt at warmth.

Then there's me, I'm seventeen

Sky threw another hunk of cardboard into the small fire in front of them, putting his palms out for warmth.

Looking for a fight

"It's so cold." Sky whispered after a couple more minutes of uninterrupted fighting for warmth.

All my life

If Sky had seen the wether forcast he'd have know it was -4 degrees ferinheit.

(Okay, for everyone who I KNOW is going to be like, "Pshhh, that's not cold! I live in the north! -30 isnt even cold!" You're full of shit. I live in the north too and -4 is still cold -_-)

I was never there;

Sky rubbed his hands together quickly, creating friction and causing his palms to heat up an increasing amount.

Just a ghost

He pressed his palms against his cheeks and nose for warmth.

Running scared.

Sky smiled contently.

Here, our dreams aren't made - they're won.

A car sped past them on the busy city road a few yards away, making slosh spray around.

Lost in the City of Angels;

Damn it was cold outside.

Down in the comfort of strangers, I...

When was the last time he ate?

Found myself in the fire burned hills,

The last time he'd drank something other than dirty snow or puddle water?

In the land of a billion lights.

It felt like forever.

Bought my fate straight from hell

When was the last time he'd had a home?

Second sight has paid off well

The last time he'd had at least give bucks to his name?

For a mother, a brother and me

The last time he saw his family?

The silver of a lake at night

It all felt like so damn long ago.

The hills of Hollywood on fire

Like forever ago.

A boulevard of hope and dreams

A whole eternity ago, really.

Streets made of desire

But, he didn't exactly mind. The streets weren't horrible, nor were the people.

Lost in the city of angels

Especially not the people who stopped to do just as little as acknowledge him...

Down in the comfort of strangers

Those people...

I found myself in the fire burned hills

Those people were angels.

In the land of a billion lights

Angels hidden in the land of a billion lights.

I found myself in the fire burned hills

He was surrounded by a cold place, yes.

In the land of a billion lights

But the wings of the angels around him kept him warm at night.

(Of a billion lights, of a billion lights, of a billion lights...)

There was one angel in particular, though.


That wasn't like the rest of them.


A teenager, just like himself. A boy named Sub.

I am home, home, home, home

He was a kind boy, too.

Seventeen years old with brown hair and green eyes, one of which he was blind in.

He was very kind. Even going as far to offer Sky food or money whenever they ran into each other.

But, Sky always refused.

Lost in the city of angels

The first time they'd met, Sub had thought Sky was lost and tried to ask him where his home was.

Down in the comfort of strangers

Of course though, that was hard to do sense Sky didn't have a hole to tell him about.

I found myself in the fire burned hills

Sub's face had looked so panicked when he learned Sky was homeless.

In the land of a billion light

Of course, though, Sky refused the offer.

One life, one love live

"Are you sure?" Sub had questioned. "My mother and father wouldn't mind at all."

One life, one love live

"I'm sure." Sky had replied with a gentle smile. "This is my home after all, and that place is yours. Not mine."

One life, one love live

After a sigh, Sub had replied, "Okay... I'll come back tomorrow, though. Okay?"

One life, one love

And that's when the ritual of Sub coming back to Sky's alleyway almost every single day started.

Sky smiled, breathing into his hands again for warmth.

The city of angels


The city of angels

It's not all bad.

The city of angels

Especially not when you're in a city of angels.

The city of angels

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