Chapter Sixteen - Coffee Shop (ItsSky) Fluff?

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Haaaiiiiii guys! This is chapter sixteen! YAYYY!! This one is ItsCib X Sky. Yeah XP Enjoy! BAAAIII


Sky sat there, grinning stupidly at his boyfriend; Cib.

Today they were going to tell all their friends and fans about their relationship and Sky couldn't be more excited.

Meanwhile Cib was petty nervous.

"What do you think they'll say?" The blonde asked. (I'm making Cib a person in this, not a duck... Cause I don't do furry shit... Nope)

"Good, I'm sure!" Sky assured with a smile, "I bet they'll all be happy for us!"

"R-really?" Cub questioned, still not sure.

Sky nodded. "Definitely! They're all cool, they'll understand," He smiled and gave his boyfriends hand a soft squeeze, "We'll be fine, Cib, don't be nervous."

Cib nodded slightly. "O-okay, Sky." He gave a small smile. "I'll try and relax."

Sky chuckled. "Come on, we gotta be there in a couple minutes." He said giving his hand two tiny tugs.

Cib nodded with a smile. "Let's go."

The two arrived at the coffee shop that they were supposed to meet everyone at about seven minutes later.

Most of their friends were couples; Merome, Kyler, SubThan, HuskyKipz, TrueDee, Ghostlox (Lmao #Ghostlox, Christina XD) and so on. So he could understand why Sky was so certain that they'd be understanding that they were together.

"Hey, guys!" Ty exclaimed, waving at them from across the small coffee shop.

Sky waved back and walked over to the large table that sat all of his friends, Cub trailing behind him shyly. "Hey!" Sky greeted happily.

"H-hey guys." Cib said with a smile and a wave.

"Well, sit down!" Jason chuckled, motioning to some chairs beside each other.

Sky nodded and sat down in one of the seats, Cib sitting besides him.

"So, why did you guys want us all to meet up?" Kyle questioned, leaning his elbows on the tables.

"O-oh, yeah," Sky paused, blushing slightly. Now he was getting nervous. He just let out a sigh and grabbed Cib's hand, entertaining their fingers. "Me and Cib are together..." He spoke shyly.

Grins spread across their friends faces and a few of them laughed.

"It's about time!" Ian exclaimed with a chuckle.

"W-what?" Cib questioned with a blush.

Ian just smirked. "We knew you guys would end up getting together eventually."

"So... You're okay with it?"

"Definitely!" Ethan exclaimed happily.

Cib grinned and squeezed Sky's hand. "Cool."

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