Chapter Twenty-Seven - Don't Abandon Me (SkyDil)

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HAAAIII GUYS! I'm back again! And I'm still sick •3• EEEEHHHHHHHH! >_< But oh well! This is another SkiDil, requested by Destiny540 X3 Yay~ Anyways leave a comment and enjoy and all that! BAAAII


"Skyyyyy," Bodil drawled out, extending the Y.

"Whaaaaaat?" Sky mimicked back.

"Stop cheating on the parkour!" The Bulgarian exclaimed in response, throwing a chunk of wool at him.

The lime-colored wool slapped into the side of his head and he shot Bodil a "really?" look. "What are you talking about? I have never cheated on any parkour ever!" He disappeared and reappeared next to Bodil. "See? Did you see that jump? That was amazing!"

Bodil rolled his eyes. "You cheater." He pushed Sky's arm, shoving him off the platform and the edge of the world.

"Nooooo! You punk!" Sky yelled as he fell.

Bodil erupted into laughter and Sky teleported next to him again.


Bodil continued to laugh and do the parkour. "No." He said through his thick accent.

"Noooo! Bodil! Come back!" He yelled, jumping after him, "Don't leave me!"

When he finally caught up to his friend, he immediately jumped on his back, sending them both crashing to small iron flooring.

"Ah!" Bodil yelled as he fell, landing on his stomach. He grunted in pain. "What was that for?"

Sky grinned sitting up but not getting off the Bulgarian's back. "For abandoning me!"

Bodil rolled his sunglass-covered eyes. "I didn't abandon you!"

Sky lied down on Bodil's back, pushing his face between his shoulder blades. "Yes you did."

Bodil let out an annoyed huff and rolled over. Sky fell off his back and Bodil quickly pinned him to the ground. Knees on either side of his petite waist and hands on either side of his head.

"Why would I abandon you?" Bodil questioned, their faces inches apart from each other.

Sky pursed his lips together in fake-thought. "Cause you're a butt." He joked.

Bodil smirked and let our a small laugh. "Yes, but I wouldn't abandon you. I love you too much to leave you." And with that, he connected their lips in a passionate, love-filled kiss...

Only thing wrong was the fact that Ty, Ghost, Baki and Simon were playing the map with them and found them making out on the floor a few minutes later.

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