Chapter Twenty-Nine - Cheer You Up (SkyGaming)

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Haaaaiii guys! I just wanted to say thanks so much for all your help in cheering up Sky. I hope it helped him out. Someone came up with a hashtag tho, so from now on, until Sky's happy again, I'll be putting it in the beginning and end of all my chapters. Anyways, this is Sky X Ghost! BAAAIII!! #WeLoveYouAdam <3


Sky sat on the couch.

His hair was a disheveled, tangled mess. His cheeks were puffy and red, much like the spaces around his eyes. Even the part of his eyes that should have been white were red and pink.

He had been sobbing all night.

He rubbed his eyes, feeling tears begin to form once again. "No," He choked out, "Not again."

He had found out the day before that Alesa had been cheating on him. (IS THIS WHAT HAPPENED?! I NEED TO KNOW!! Tumblr told me she cheated and they broke up and that's why he's sad but idk...)

She broke up with him, saying that he wasn't enough for her.

God did it hurt... He just wanted to give up. To close his eyes and just fall asleep, never to wake again.

Ty had tried to cheer him up, saying such nice things, but they didn't help.

He still felt worthless... It wasn't helping... Nothing was helping.

A loud rapping sound erupted from the front door a couple feet away.

His budder eyes widened slightly. 'Aleasa...?'

"Sky!" A voice called, "C'mon Sky. I know you're home! Lemme in! We need to talk!"

Sky sighed.

It was just Ghost, (Isn't his real name Alex?? Idk, someone tell me the answer in the comments :P) Ty had probably sent him.

"It's unlocked." He called back, his voice cracking.

The door was pulled open and in walked a familiar suit of Budder, steel and iron armor. "Oh... Sky." He walked over to Sky, sitting down in the couch next to him. "It's okay, Sky, I promise." He pulled him in for a hug, cupping the back if his head, burying his face into his shoulder.

Sky began to let tears fall from his eyes, forming puddles against Ghost's armor. "W-why did you come here...?" He whispered.

Ghost chuckled slightly. "Do you not want me to be here?"

Sky shook his head quickly, "N-no, I mean... Why?"

Ghost shrugged, pulling out if the hug.

"Did Ty send you?"

"'Ty'? No. Why would he send me?" Ghost questioned.

"Well... Me and you have never really been that close, Ghost..." He trailed off.

"And he's our only common friend?" Ghost continued for Sky.

The brunette nodded. "Y-yes."

Ghost shook his head. "No, I came here in my own. I was worried about you. Close or not."

Sky felt more tears well up at that. Why was everyone so damn nice?

"Hey... Hey, Sky. Don't cry anymore, please." Ghost whispered. He hugged Sky to his chest again.

"S-stop it. My tears will rust your suit." Sky whispered, shoving Ghost away slightly.


"Then I'll take it off." Ghost stated. He stood up and immediately began tearing off his armor. He pulled the chest-plate over his head, tossing it away along with the leggings. He pulled off his boots and his gloves. Finally he was left in just hit helmet that covered his whole head. He lifted his am hands gently and pulled off his helmet.

His golden-blonde hair fell down around his face framing it and making his bright blue eyes pop out.

Sky blushed slightly.

Ghost had pretty much just stopped in from of him. Of course, he was still wearing clothes. He had on a black V-neck, a pair of Budder skinny jeans and black converse.

"There. Now you won't rust jack." He plopped down on the couch next to Sky again.

Sky blushed again and looked away. "You didn't have to do that..."

"Yes I did." Ghost stated.

"No you di-"

"Damn it, Sky, would you just let me cheer you up?" Ghost hugged out.

Sky blushed darker and nodded slightly. "O-okay."

Ghost grinned. "Good." He hugged Sky again, only this time he pushed Sky on to his back as he did so.

Sky let out a small squeak if surprise. "G-Ghost what are you-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ghost connected their lips gently. "Cheering you up."



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