Thirty-Eight - Lips Of An Angel (SkyBierian)

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HEY GUYS! So this is chapter thirty-eight (Holy mother fuck) and this one is SGCBarbierian X Sky X3 This one was requested by no on I just wanted to do it. :P lol The next one will be SkyLoxUniverse! ^-^ Yay! (See? I didn't forget Fisch XP) The song in this is Lips Of An Angel by Hinder X3 ENJOY 'N SHIT! BAIII


Sky picked up the phone and put it to his ear. "Yeah?"

Honey why you calling me so late?

"Hey, Sky." The voice on the other end whispered quietly.

It's kinda hard to talk right now

"Hey." Sky said, heart melting happily.

Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?

The person on the other side let out a shaky breath. "H-hey."

I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud


Well, my girl's in the next room

"Y-yeah. I'm fine... How are you?"

Sometimes I wish she was you

"I'm good... I miss you."

I guess we never really moved on

"I miss you too, Sky." He could practically hear the smile in the others voice.

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name.

"How's your girlfriend?"

It sounds so sweet

Sky let out a small sigh. "She's okay... I don't think we're doing too well though."

Coming from the lips of an angel

"Oh... Well don't get down, Sky. I'm sure it'll all work out."

Hearing those words it makes me weak

Sky smiled and closed his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "Thanks, Nick."

And I never wanna say goodbye

"I wish you were here." Nick whispered, taking a hand through his auburn hair.

But boy you make it hard to be faithful

"Yeah," Sky sighed, "I wish that too."

With the lips of an angel

"You know... I was just thinking of calling you." Sky said after a short pause.

It's funny that you're calling me tonight

"Really? I've been wanting to call you for a while now... I had a dream about you and I knew I had to call. What about you?"

And, yes, I've dreamt of you too

"You've been in a few of my dreams." Sky said, a smirk playing at his lips.

And does he know you're talking to me

"Does your guy know your talking to me?" Sky questioned.


Will it start a fight?

"Would he get mad?"

"He's always mad." Nick sighed out.

No I don't think she has a clue

"What about your girl?"

"She doesn't have a clue."

Well my girl's in the next room

"She's in the bedroom." Sky explained.

Sometimes I wish she was you

"I really wish it was you and not her sometimes." He whispered, eyes closed.

I guess we never really moved on

"I guess we're not over each other, huh?" Nick said quietly.

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name

"Guess not. But it's nice to just talk to you."

It sounds so sweet

"Yeah. I've missed your voice." Nick laughed.

Coming from the lips of an angel

"I've missed yours too." Sky agreed. "I'm going crazy without hearing your beautiful voice everyday."

Hearing those words it makes me weak

"I hope we see each other soon."

"Me too."

And I never wanna say goodbye

"Sky!" His girlfriend called from the bedroom, "Are you coming to bed?"

But boy you make it hard to be faithful

"Sky," Nick spoke, "You better go."

With the lips of an angel

"I'll be there in a couple minutes, Babe!" Sky called out.

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name

"Aren't you going to go?" Nick questioned.

It sounds so sweet

"Eh. I've got some time."

Coming from the lips of an angel

Nick chuckled slightly. "I'm glad."

Hearing those words it makes me weak

"Besides," Sky spoke, "I don't want to say goodbye."

And I never wanna say goodbye

"Me either." Nick breathed out, closing his eyes gently.

But boy you make it hard to be faithful

"Sky?" The feminine voice called again making Nick giggle slightly.

With the lips of an angel

"Aren't you gonna go to her?"

And I never wanna say goodbye

"I don't want to go."

But boy you make it hard to be faithful

"Neither do I... But we have to, Sky..."

"I know." Sky sighed.

With the lips of an angel.

"I love you, Sky." Nick whispered.

"Love you too, Nick." Sky whispered back before hanging up.

Honey why you calling me so late?

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