Chapter Thirty-Two - Because of Merome (SkyMit)

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HAAAIII GUYS! I'm back with another chapter! Yay! This one is Sky X Kermit X3 Enjoy! I'm just gonna make Kermit a human with like, green hair in this, kay? Kay. BAAIIII!!!



"I'm confused," Sky said, eyebrows knitted together.

"Yeah," Keemit spoke up, "So am I."

Mitch groaned, shoulder slumping. "Oh come on guys! You know how to do this!"

"Yeah!" Jerome piped up with a grin, "All you gotta do is get in a suggestive pose-"

"We take a picture," Mitch held up his phone.

"And then we post it with some sorta caption."

"Like, 'We're official!' Or something like that." Mitch finished.

"See? Not that hard!" Jerome grinned again at his two blushing and uncomfortable friends.

Sky sighed, "Do we have to?"

"Yes." Mitch smirked and readied his phone, clicking on the camera icon.

Sky sighed again and looked at Kermit shyly, cheeks glowing red. "U-um."

Kermit smiled assuringly at Sky and gave a shrug. "Don't worry Sky, it's just to mess with people." He lied.

He knew that wasn't what it was for. The whole reason Mitch and Jerome wanted them to do this was because he had a crush on Sky, and everyone knew. Well, everyone except for Sky, who was completely oblivious.

He didn't really want to like Sky, it just kinda happened. It started out as just a small crush when they were roommates-- and it was just about little things. Like when he'd smile at him in the morning and wave at him happily, or how he'd always have time to hang out, or that he was always so nice to everyone.

But gradually, it grew and grew into this mental, one-sided live that it was.

"Yeah, okay." Sky nodded, wanting to believe Kermit's words.

"Okay," Jerome pushed them together so that their chests were touching, along with their knees, "Gotta get close." He winked at Kermit, causing him to blush even darker than he already was.

"Oh come on, Jerome! I know you can do better than that!" Mitch teased, motioning to the two boy pressed against each other.

Jerome grinned and nodded, "You're right Mitch!" He stepped forward and pressed Sky against Kermit once again, shoving their hips together, which of course caused Sky's face to glow another shade of red.

"Ju-just take the picture already!" Sky stuttered out trying to sound fierce but failing miserably.

Mitch smiled and waved him off with his left hand, "Yeah, yeah. Shut up." He lifted his phone and waited for it to focus.

Jerome was walking in circles around the two, watching them like a lion stalks its prey.

"W-what are you doin- Ah!"

Before Kermit could finish his question, Jerome stepped forward and slammed his palms into Kermit's back, shoving him forward and colliding his lips with Sky's. The snap of pictures being taken were heard from Mitch along with giggling from both him and Jerome. Meanwhile, nothing was heard from Kermit and Sky.

At least not until Sky started to kiss back, shocking Kermit-- who quickly got over it and kissed back too. That of course brought up a cheer from Jerome and a few catcalls from Mitch.

Sky wrapped his arms around Kermit's neck, deepening the kiss and Kermit wrapped his around Sky's waist, pulling him closer.

Well, Merome was pretty good at getting what they wanted. This time they just happened to want Skymit... It was all because of Merome.

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