Chapter Ninety-Two - Whispers In The Dark (Sketo)

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Hai peeps! Welcome to chapter ninety-two~ Hopefully I'm going to be able to fix my updating schedule but I have no idea. Honesty I'm just waiting for Spring Break (Easter break) so I can just sit in my room and write fanfiction and watch YouTube and shiz... HOLY FUCK I JUST THOUGHT OF A PLOT LINE. THANK YOU PANDORA. THE SONG WILL BE "Whispers In The Dark" by Skillet because everyone fucking loves this song, you can't say you dislike it, it's impossible. Plus like, all one-shot books have this song in them and I'm a cliché fuck XP ENJOY! BAI!


"I'm okay," Sky whispered, face buried into his knees. "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay."

Despite the lies that you're making

"I'm okay."

The room was dark, pitch black and Sky sat in the corner, knees pulled to his chest and arms wrapped himself, trying to shrink into the corner.

Your love is mine for the taking

"I'm okay, I'm okay." The words continued to leak and dribble out past his lips like a faucet turned on high. "I'm okay, I'm okay."

My love is

'Sky?' A voice whispered.

Just waiting

Sky began to tremble and his voice quivered, coming out shaking. "I-I'm okay... I'm okay..."

To turn your tears to roses

'Sky...' The voice got closer, just in front of the trembling brunette in the corner.

Despite the lies that you're making

"I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay. Everything is okay."

Your love is mine for the taking


The brunette jumper in shock, face flinging away from his arms, exposing his glossy eyes and tear-covered cheeks. The voice was right in his ears now. He began to shake more.

My love is

'Sky... Stop crying, everything's okay. No more crying... No more.' The shaking brunette felt arms circle around his waist and what felt like a head rest itself on his shoulder.

Just waiting


To turn your tears to roses

'Shh, Sky. It's okay. I'm here now, no more tears.'

I will be the one that's gonna hold you

Sky sniffled, trying to muzzle into the feeling of the other person only for him to go right through.

I will be the one that you run to

'No, Sky, you have to stay still. Okay? Stay still. I'm here, I'm here.'

My love is

"I... I miss you, Seto." He sniffled, feeling the arms wrap their way around his waist once again.

A burning, consuming fire

'I miss you too, Sky.'


"I don't w-want to be alone."

You'll never be alone

'You're not alone, Sky. You're never alone, and never will be. I'm always here.'

When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars

'I promise, Sky. I'll never leave you alone.'

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