Chapter Ninety-Four - First Flight Home - Skyndicate

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Hai guyz! I'm back with chapter ninety-four! X3 Yay! This one is Sky X Tom (ze amazen Syndicate man :3) The song is First Flight Home by Jake Miller. THIS WAS REQUESTED BY RuskaC a while ago and I've been taking for fucking ever to write it. Sorry that it probably won't be worth the wait, dude! /)•-•(\ I can't fully remember the plot you wanted and I can't find it, but I know who you wanted in it so hopefully it's not God awful! BAI!


Sky grinned. He and Tom were scheduled to hang out today so he was making his way across the Minanite world's retain looking for the other male's house.

I hope you still remember what I look like

It'd been a long, long, long time sense they'd last seen each other.

I haven't seen you in a minute

But he remembered the last time they'd seen each other face-to-face like it'd just happened.

Last night I had the kind of dream that you just don't wanna wake up from

He tucked a stray chunk of disobedient chocolate-brown hair behind a perfectly tan ear.

and that's 'cause you were in it

He looked around for his friend's house. But, he couldn't find it. Partly because it wasn't anywhere in sight and partly because he wasn't paying very much attention so w probably wouldn't have seen it even if it was.

So this morning when I woke up it felt more like a nightmare

He really missed Tom. After all, it's hard not to see your friends for months at a time.

'cause I rolled over and I thought you'd be right there

So he'd jumped at the chance of hanging out with Tom and some other friends when he was invited.

but nope

Besides, he'd been having some troubles with his other friends lately and a break was just what he needed.

I'm just laying here alone

Absent-mindedly he ran into a tree and fell on his butt.

on my own

"Ow," he said in monotone, not actually noticing the pain the bark scratching into skin brought.

wishing I was on the first flight home

He was in too much thought to care about the scrapes on his outer forearms at the moment.

I'll be home in no time

After a while longer of stinging pain in his arms and being completely lost, he finally found Tom's house.

I promise when I touch down it'll be like I never left singin'

"Jesus that took ya a long time," Tom said as Sky plopped himself down on the crafting table across from him, running a hand through his dark hair.

I'll be home in no time

"Not my fault your house is hard to find... Jerk."

Tom grinned.

By the way check your phone 'cause I just sent you a text sayin'

Sky quirked an eyebrow, looking at Tom as he looked Sky over.


"What're you starin' at?"

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