Chapter Twenty-Three - Let's Keep Playing (SkyMu)

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HAIII GUYS! Sorry I'm just now updating! I was feeling kinda depressed earlier, (GASP) but I'm better now X3 (sometimes I think I'm bipolar •3•) My friends helped me out. ^_^ So, yay! You get a happy chapter! Because if I woulda uploaded earlier, it woulda been sad •3• Enjoy! BAAAII


Sky wolfed down another red cup of beer. It was the first time he'd ever had any, seeing as he was only eighteen. (Yep, another party one XD XP)

"Sky!" His friend- Jason- screamed from a few feet away. Jason was already way drunk off his ass-- exactly like Sky was.

"W-what?" Sky questioned, grabbing another cup.

"I... I am bored." Jason said, stumbling over his words and the ground.

Sky threw the empty cup on to the ground when he gulped down the last of its content. (MY CONTENT!!!) "M-me too."

"GUYS!" Tyler screamed from somewhere else in the yard, "Get your asses over here! We're playing Truth Or Dare!" A small circle of half-drunk and completely drunk teens (18+ That's their ages •3•) was already forming.

"Okay!" Sky yelled.

He took his place between a drunk Jason and a not-so-sober Seto. (SETO! YUS! HES FINALLY IN ONE OF DESE! Did I do a Sketo? Yes? I'm pretty sure I did... IDK ANYMORE! GO WITH IT)

"Okay, you little fuckers," Tyler slurred out, "Let's play this shit. It's your turn first." He pointed at Garret (Not CraftyGarret. The other guy. That one KuleDud3 guy. I just learned his name and I was like, "I KNOW HIS NAME, FANFICTION TIME" XD) before falling back into his ass between the other Garret and Quentin.

"Um, okay." He slurred out. He looked around the group before his eyes fixated on a certain brunette with an emo-cut. "TY!" He screamed, "Truth o' dare?"

"DARE ME YOU ASS!" Ty screamed back obnoxiously.


"Okay." Ty walked over to the drunk Tyler. He leaned down, grabbed his head and licked from his chin up to his forehead. He let go of the brunette a face. "DONE!" He sat back down.

After another thirty minutes if playing the game, it was finally Sky's turn... Well his third turn but the first two were just flashing Kyle his junk and kissing Bash. (Yup. I just wrote that and you jut read that •3•)

"Okay Sky," Jordan said, fixing his red-tinned glasses, (I'm sure you know which one it is by that) "I dare you to..." He paused in thought. "KISS JASON!" He suddenly exploded. "KISS HIM LIKE YOUVE NEVER KISSED ANYONE!"

Damn, people were loud when they were drunk.

Sky grinned. "Alrighty." He turned to the flushed Jason and smirked. "Hey Jace," He mumbled into his ear sexually. (SHOW NO EMOTION)

"Hey, Sky." Jason whispered back with a smirk. He scooted closer and Sky's breath ghosted over his skin. Suddenly, Jason grabbed Sky's face and rammed their lips together. He pushed his body against the youngers. (I'm making Jason nineteen in dis. DEAL WITH IT XD) His long fingers tangled themselves in Sky's chocolate-brown locks, pulling him closer.

After another minute, the two were already shoving their tongues into each other's mouths. Swapping saliva and trading moans.

Tyler cracked up when Jason pushed Sky on to his back and crawled on top of him kissing him harder. "Whatever, let's keeping playing."

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