Chapter Fifty-Eight - Battle Scars (SkyWard)

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HEY GUYS! IM BACK WITH CHAPTER FIFTY SOME SHIT! This is Skyward! The song is Battle Scars by GUY Sebastian and some other dude whose name I can't remember 0-0 This was suggested by tazzmaniondevil! ^_^ THANKS FOR DA REQUEST GURL ENJOY!


Hope the wound heals but it never does

Sky smiled, nuzzling his face against Okward's shoulder as they walked down the sidewalk, hands intertwined with each other.

That's cause you're at war with love

Cars and the sounds of the city raced around in the world around them.

You're at war with love, yeah

"I spy something... Grey." Shy said childishly.

These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Okward chuckled. "That sign?" He lifted up their hands a little, motioning in the direction of the billboard.

Don't look like they're ever going away

"Nope." Sky pursed his lips. "Couldn't be more wrong."

They ain't never gonna change

Okward laughed again. "That semi?" He questioned, pointing to a large semi a couple yards away parked at a gas station.

These battle...

"Yep!" Sky cheered with a smile and a laugh.

Never let a wound ruin me

"Why are you so cute, Sky?" Okward mumbled, pulling the other male to him and kissing him.

But I feel like ruin's wooing me

Sky giggled as they separated. "It's a gift."

Arrow holes, they never close from Cupid on a shooting spree

Okward laughed, and continued to walk with Sky down the busy evening sidewalk.

Feeling stupid cause I know it ain't no you and me

Sky began to swing their hands. "Hey, Okward?"

But when you're trying to beat the odds up

"Yeah?" The raven-haired boy asked, looking at the brunette.

Been trying to keep your nods up

"Do you think your fans would be okay with you know... Us?"

And you know that you should know

Okward shrugged his broad shoulders. "Not sure..."

And let him

"Probably not."

But the fear of the unknown

"So we'd never be able to make it public that we're getting married?"

Hold another lover strong

Okward sighed and shook his head. "'Fraid not, Cutie." He pressed a kiss to the side of Sky's head. "C'mon, the studio's just a little bit away."

Sends you back into the zone

Sky nodded absentmindedly and followed the hand that browned to the body of the person leading him.

With no Tom Hanks to bring you home

"Hey," Okward said, looking down at the eyes of his fiancé, "Just because society is too ignorant to be able to know that we're together, doesn't mean anything."

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