Thirty-Nine - Babe (SkyLoxUniverse)

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Hey guys! So today we have SkyLoxUniverse for you! Yay! This was requested by FischSparagus, who is a vurry lovely Fisch with a vurry lovely SkyLoxUniverse story of her own that you should go check our because it's amazing and I love it X3 <3 Lol, IM GIVING YOU A PLUG EVEN THOUGH YOU DIDNT ASK FOR IT. DEAL WITH IT. Hope you enjoy and stuff! THE SONG IN THIS IS "Far Away" BY NickelBack! BAAAIII


This time, This place

Ty stared into the love-filled eyes of one of his lovers.

Misused, Mistakes

He hated lying to Sky about where he was always disappearing to...

Too long, Too late

But he had to! Sky could never know the truth.

Who was I to make you wait?

"When will you be back?" Sky asked.

Just one chance

"Soon, Babe, don't worry." Ty pressed a loving kiss to Sky's lips.

Just one breath

Sky smiled up at Ty, brushing his bangs out of his face. "Love you, Ty." He kissed him for a couple seconds before pulling away.

Just in case there's just one left

"Bye." Ty whispered, taking Sky's hands away from his face.

'Cause you know,

"Bye." Sky called as Ty walked out the front door.

You know, you know

Ty plugged his earbuds into his phone and shoved them into his ears, the song "Never Too Late" by Three Days Grace (My favorite song and band ever X3) playing out of them.

That I love you

Ty hummed along to the tune and walked down the sidewalk faster.

I have loved you all along

Jason's house came into view and he smile to himself.

And I miss you

He walked up to the door and began to know only for the door to be pulled open a couple seconds later.

Been far away for far too long

"Ty!" Jason exclaimed, grabbing Ty and yanking him into a hug.

I keep dreaming you'll be with me

"Jason." Ty breathed out, heart warming happily.

And you'll never go

"I've missed you." Jason said as he pulled away, grin on his face.

Stop breathing if

"I've miss you too, Babe."

I don't see you anymore

The taller, dirty-blond connected his lips with Ty's. (Jason's suit is a god damn hassle to write in so he's not wearing his space suit in this, okay?)

On my knees, I'll ask

"Come in." Jason pulled Ty into the house, slowing the door behind them.

Last chance for one last dance

Jason crashed his lips with Ty's, wrapping his arms around his neck.

'Cause with you, I'd withstand

"I love you, Ty." Jason whispered against his lips.

All of hell to hold your hand

"Love you too, Babe."

I'd give it all

Ty connected their lips again.

I'd give for us

"You were gone for so long, you know. You said it'd be just a few days." Jason mumbled.

Give anything but I won't give up

"I know, I'm sorry." Ty kissed his cheek. "I tired to hurry."

'Cause you know,

"I know." Jason placed a small kiss on his lovers lips, "I forgive you."

You know, you know

Ty smiled and kissed Jason again. "Thank you."

So far away

Jason laughed slightly. "How could I ever not forgive you?"

Been far away for far too long

Ty shrugged. "No idea."

So far away

Jason chuckled and kissed Ty's nose. "Me either."

Been far away for far too long

"God, I've miss your lips." Ty sighed, leaning his forehead against Jason's.

But you know, you know, you know

"I've missed yours too." Jason laughed.

I wanted

Ty's phone lit up, vibrating in his pocket.

I wanted you to stay

Jason laughed. "Answer it."

'Cause I needed

Ty nodded, pulling it out and looking at the screen.

I need to hear you say

'New Text Message From Sky' It read.

That I love you

Ty's eyes looked over the message quickly.

I have loved you all along

'Love you Ty <3 I hope you're home soon. I already miss you so much. Try to be quick on this work trip, kay? Text me when you can, Love. XOXOXO ~Sky'

And I forgive you

He sighed internally.

For being away for far too long

God damn, Sky sure knew how to make you guilty without even realizing it.

So keep breathing

"What's wrong?" Jason questioned his lover. "Are you okay."

'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore

Ty nodded quickly. "Y-yeah. He re-locked his phone and crammed it back into his sweatpants pocket:

Believe it

Jason smiled and connected their lips.

Hold on to me and, never let me go

"Love you." He whispered lovingly.

Keep breathing

"Love you too, Babe."

'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore

"When do you have to go again?"

Believe it

"I dunno."

Hold on to me and, never let me go

"Then stay with me for as long as you can."

Keep breathing

"I'll try."

Hold on to me and, never let me go

Jason smile happily, hugging Ty. "Thank you, Ty." He said, burying his face into Ty's neck.

Keep breathing

"No problem, Babe."

Hold on to me and, never let me go


Yep •3• Anyways, if you didn't notice, Ty called them both "Babe". Hence the title. But it's supposed to have a deeper meaning than that. You can interpret it in whatever way you want. :P BAAAII

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