Chapter Eighty - Cooler Than Me (SkyCeffa)

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Hey guys! Ish meh! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! So, this is chapter Eighty! Holy fugging poop! Eighty chapters! X3 Now, I have a BIG announcement and it may be kind of bad. But, that's gonna be at the end of the chappie. This one is Sky X Joey Graceffa requested by Christina8979! The song is Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner because I thought that'd fit pretty well XP Enjoy! Baiii!


If I could write you a song

Joey sighed, running a hand through his unruly honey-blonde hair.

And make you fall in love

He was really, really regretting agreeing to come to this party.

I would already have you up under my arm.

Well, that was until he saw him. A thin boy with shaggy chocolate brown hair and fair, tan skin. He wore dark sunglasses that covered his eyes and had a small rattail at the back of his head.

I used up all of my tricks,

Just looking at the boy made his mouth go dry.

I hope that you like this.

The boy was in a group with some other boys. One was a brunette with emo-hair and a set of green and black headphones arresting on his neck. The second was a more bony brunette with purple eyes and wore a violet hoodie with the hood up. The final boy was a blonde with sea-blue eyes, wearing a black T-shirt.

But you probably won't.

Joey began to chew his lower lip, watching as the group walked by.

You think you're cooler than me.

"Dude, dude? Are you okay?"

Joey was snapped back to reality by his friends voice.

"Huh? Oh! Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

You got designer shades,

His friend stared at him, obviously not buying it. "You just completely zoned out. I couldn't get a response out of you for like, five minutes straight. You were staring at that dude."

Joey's face heated up. "I was not!"

His friend grinned, amusement flashing in his blue eyes. "You so were!"

Just to hide your face

Joey blushed darker. "Shut up, Shane!"

(I know there are gonna be comments on that shit ^)

Shane laughed at his friends embarrassment. "Do you even know who that is?"

"No... Should I?"

And you wear them around like you're cooler than me.

"That," He motioned his wrist towards the direction the boy had went, "Is Sky Adam Dalberg." (Totally spelled that wrong.)

Joey quirked a brow. "Should that name ring a bell?"

Shane's expression changed to one that resembled a 'Really? You're that stupid?' face. "Yes! Everyone knows him!"

And you never say "Hey"

Joey shrugged. "Guess I didn't get the memo." He paused for a moment. "Why does everyone know him?"

"Because he's like a legend! Especially at school."

"Does he go to our school?" Joey asked, confused.

Or "Remember my name?"

Shane shook his head. "No, he doesn't. He goes to the private school uptown."

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