Chapter Eleven - Crush (SkyGazza)

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HAAAII GUYS!! IM BORED SO ANOTHER CHAPTER!!! YAY! How many chapters of this have I uploaded today? IDFK ANYMORE! I have a problem! SOMEONE HELP ME. Okay, enjoy. BAAAIII


"Alrighty class, this is the new student, Gary Gazza." The teacher said, pointing to a short, skinny boy with swoopy, (DONT QUESTION MY WORDS) jet-black hair. "In order to get know our new student, he will be answering a couple questions from the class. Please raise your hand if you have something you'd like to ask."

A dozen and a half hands shot up and Sky just looked around the room at all the people wanting to ask questions; Jason, Tyler, a random girl, Kyle some slutty girl, a preppy boy with braces, Dan, (That's cavemanfilms's name write???) Zek, another slutty girl...

Gary pointed to Tyler. "Y-yes?"

"How old are you?" Tyler asked curiously.

He was always obsessed with peoples ages, but being in the ninth grade everyone was pretty much the same age.

"Fourteen," He answered quickly, pinging to the next person, a slutty girl, "Y-yeah?"

"Where are you from?"


"I'm from England." He said.

Some people in the class mumbled random words in awe, such as; "Cool" or "Ooh" or "Whoa" and "Lucky".

"You're first name is Gary?" The preppy boy asked as the new kid pointed to him.

He nodded, "Yeah... But I prefer to be called Gizzy."

"Gizzy?" Some called out. "What kind if name is Jizzy?"

Some people laughed and snorted but Sky just rolled his eyes.

"What kinda of name is Dick?" Sky called back in annoyance, mocking the boys name like he had done to Ga- Gizzy.

"Oi! You got a problem with my name?" He asked beginning to stand. "How about you being your fat ass over he-"

"That is quite enough, Dick," The teacher scolded. She looked back to Gizzy. "You may take a seat next to Sky," She like at the class, "Sky, please stand up." (The first thing I thought of when I wrote stand up? WOULD THE REAL SLIME SHADEH PLS JUMP UP, PLS JUMP UP, PLS JUMP UP)

Sky stood and waved happily towards the boy walking towards him.

Gizzy reached the set of two desks and sat down, setting his books on the table.

"Hi! I'm Sky! It's nice to meet you!" Sky greeted happily.

"Uh, hi. I'm Gary, but you can call me Gizzy."

The two shook hands and Sky grinned wider. "Cool name!"


Class after class, Gizzy ended up having to sit down next to Sky. And he was particularly glad for that because Sky seemed really nice.

They actually became best friends after just a couple weeks. (IN OTHER WORDS, TIME SKIP)

"Gizzy! GIZZY!" Sky yelled, rubbing over to his friend and tackling him to the ground on the sidewalk a few yards away from his house.

"O-ow. What is it, Sky?"

The taller boy grinned. "I have a crush." He said like a little kid.

"Um... Oka-"


"'Guess'? I don't know. Uh... Boy or girl?" Sky had ended up telling him about being bi just about a week after they met, but it was very embarrassing for himself even though Gizzy was totally okay with it

"...Boy." Sky admitted after a long pause.

"Ooh. Ty?"

Sky shook his head, "Nope."



"Hmm. Ethan?"

"Nope, not him."


"Not even close."



Gizzy pursed his lips together in thought. "Ummm. Sub?"

"Noooooo. He's British." Sky giggled slightly.

"OH! Jordan?" (PerpetualJordan, not the other one XP)


"Podcrash?" He questioned, using the nickname a couple if their friends liked to go by.



"He's Australian!"

"Well I can't think of anymore English people! Just tell me who it is!" Gizzy whined.

Sky grinned down at Gizzy who was still pinned to the sidewalk beneath him. He leaned down and layed a gentle kiss on the Brit's lips. He pulled up a couple seconds later and stared into the shocked eyes of his best friend. "You."

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