Chapter Fifty-One - (SkyPmx13)

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Hey guys! I'm back with chapter fifty-one! This one is Sky X Ryan (xrpmx13) and it has actually been requested quite a few times, I just have never gotten around to it so I'm doing it now! ENJOY AND WHATNOT! BAAAIIII PEEPS


Sky and Ryan walked around the empty Cops 'N Robbers Prison boredly, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls and ceiling.

Everyone but them had been busy so they decided to just hang out by themselves. They decided on a mini-game, Cops 'N Robbers, but they didn't really think it through on how it would be impossible to escape.

Ryan was the warden, sense everyone knew Sky was downright terrible at being the cop.

"Can I has creative, yas? I want to spawn some friends." Sky said, using his Klüb Ice voice.

Ryan laughed and tried to mimic his accent, "No, no creative."

Sky pursed his lips into a pout. "But I want some friends, Warden."

Ryan flicked the lever to Sky's jail cell. "If you go in your cell, I'll give you friends."

Sky smiled. "Friends! Yas!" He scurried in and say on the red and white wool bed against the wall. "Give me friends, Warden!" He cheered as Ryan shut the cell door behind him.

"Okay, okay." He put himself into creative and grabbed some spawn eggs for random creatures. "What kind of friends do you want?"

Sky smirked. "GIVE ME FRIENDS WITH DAS BOOTY!" He yelled, cracking up halfway through.

Ryan laughed and chucked randomly colored spawn eggs into his cell. The eggs broke apart and creatures spawned. Creepers, bunnies, horses, zombies, skeletons and other mobs appeared in Sky's cell making him let out a loud, scared, girly scream.

"No! Don't touch das booty!" Sky yelled, scooting away from the zombies that were growling at him. "RYAN! Save me! Don't let them touch das booty! I don't want them to touch das booty!"

Ryan laugh but quickly gave in and opened the cell door. "Come on!" He aimed his bow at the zombie in front of Sky and shot an arrow straight through its head, killing it.

Sky scrambled out of the cell before anything could kill him and clutched Ryan's arm as he shut the cell door.

Sky nuzzled his face into the side of Ryan's shoulder. "Thank you for saving das booty."

Ryan laughed a little. "You're welcome."

"I will make music for you!" Sky exclaimed happily. "Oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce." He repeated over and over again making Ryan crack up again.

"What are you doing?"

"Making Klüb Ice music!" Sky replied.

"Well stop!" Ryan laughed.

Sky stopped immediately. "Why? You no like the Klüb Ice music."

"The stuff you usually sing is better."

Sky blushed and smiled. "Thank you." He said, switching back to his normal voice,

Ryan grinned and wrapped his arm around Sky, ruffling his wild hair. "No problem, Dude."

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