94. Triple Threat

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Two and a half months later

Mason sat in the rocking chair and slowly rocked himself back and forth. Tomorrow was the day that Miya was going to give birth to their kids and he couldn't be even more nervous. His babies were almost here and he was scared. He was scared because he didn't know what kind of father he would be. He was afraid because he didn't know what was going to end up happening. He didn't know if all of his kids were going to make it, despite them being healthy as could be, or if Miya was going to make it through the c-section. Anything was possible and he was scared. He didn't want to lose any of them. He loved her too much and loved his babies just as much.

The way they would respond to his touch and move around in her belly as he talked to them was something he cherished and to go through all that to not have them scared him.

"Mason don't think like that." He coached himself as he let out a deep sigh. He rocked himself as he stared at each of their babies cribs and how all three were different.

On the far right, mid-night blue. In the middle, nude and on the left, a light shade of cyan. Mason looked around the room at the mix of colors that was spread throughout. All the accessories that occupied the room all came together, from the babies cribs, down to the plants that was placed here and there all the way down to the rugs. Miya had a true eye for decoration and Mason actually liked it. At first, he didn't see the vision until it was put together and when it was finally done he fell in love with it. The room have been finished for a few weeks now and Mason always seemed to see him spending more and more time in the room as the days drew closer to her having the babies.


"Yeah!?" He asked. He placed both hands on each arm of the chair and slowly pushed himself up, but when he didn't hear a response from her he sped walk out of the room, to the opposite side of the house where their bedroom was.

"I think I peed up and I need help changing." Miya whined as she appeared in the door way with the front of her gray sweats wet.

Mason stopped in his tracks and looked at her.

"You sure it's pee?" Mason asked her as he felt the palms of his hand getting sweaty. It's couldn't be, it was too early. She haven't been checked into the hospital yet or anything. It's too soon.

"It felt like I had cramps so I tried to make it to the bathroom and it just started coming down out of-." She paused before looking down at her pants. "Did my water just break?" She slowly looked up at him with wide eyes.

"U-uh." Mason tried to find the words to say but was baffled. This was the moment. The time have came.

"But she said that I was having them tomorrow! Not today!" Miya started to panic. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

Mason looked at the time on his watch to see that it was only eleven fifty. Mason looked up at a panicky Miya and walked over to her to and placed both hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him and they were both lost for words.

"Here's what we are going to do." Mason paused. "We're going to set up the car and then we'll drive to the hospital. On the way there we will call your doctor and family-."

He was cut off by Miya jolting and squeezing her eyes tight as if she was in some sort of pain.

"Wait, what's wrong?" Mason asked her in a panic.

"I think it was another cramp. They just getting worse and worse." She breathe out heavily and she grabbed ahold of her belly. "That shit hurt."

"What the hell do you mean another cramp?" Mason mugged at her. "You were having contractions and you didn't tell me Miya Marie?" Mason huffed loudly as he quickly ran to the other side of the home and grabbed two car seats with both hands and bolted out of the house and to the car that they were taking. He quickly opened the car door and threw each car seat inside. He ran back inside the house and pass Miya to the kids room to grab the remaining car seat with one hand and all three diapers bags in the other.

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