111. Deeper Into the Rabbit Hole

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Marcus Price

He dug his keys out of his pocket and pushed it into the lock. He unlocked the front door and pushed it open. The smell of passion fruit and vanilla welcomed him inside as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

Marcus dropped his bags on the floor and locked the door before walking towards the back of the house. He didn't smell food, which told him that Miya wasn't in the kitchen so he sped past the kitchen. He walk towards the kids room to see them not in there. Arching his brow, he walked towards their room but stopped when he heard talking coming from the backyard.

Marcus crept towards the back door and stood there quietly as he eyed Miya. She was sitting on the freshly cut grass with the kids in front of her on a cover. They played and wiggled around with each other as Miya had a phone pressed against her ear.

"I'm not coming back to South Carolina." She huffed.

"Girl fuck them peo-. I don't care if she's my grandmother. She kept the biggest lie from me for years. I came around for years and not a soul even thought about telling me. Shit, y'all hid from me for years." Miya looked down at her thighs and picked at it. "N-No, I didn't beat your ass bad enough what are you talking about?"

Marcus bit on his lip from laughing and slowly crept up behind her.

"I'm not bringing my kids to another state and dropping them off. Are you freaking kidding me?"

Marcus slowly got down behind her and sat down with his legs on either side of her. Within in an instant, she leaned into him and sighed. He wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"No, I do not care. If they want to come see them then I'll book them a flight and they can stay either at my house or at a hotel, but as I said before I will not drop my kids off to another state and that's final. Who the hell do you think I am?" She smacked her lips. "And then y'all not even considering how their father would feel.

"Mhm, speak your shit because who the hell are they playing with." Marcus tried to whisper as he nodded his head. He caught the attention of the babies and they started going ballistic with their screams and babbles.

The smile on their faces and how they tried to turn over on their stomachs to get to him warmed his heart.

"Triple threat!" Marcus exclaimed as he leaned over and grabbed all three of them the best way he could. He kissed all over their faces and smiled as they returned their form of kisses all over his face causing him to laugh.

He couldn't believe he gave this up for a few days. Nothing can compare to this. Not even money.

"Either way, he is still the father of my kids. I'm not taking my kids to the other side of the country to a place their father barely knows nothing about."

"Y'all was being good for mommy?"

They all burst out in there own little rant and all Marcus could do was nod and pretend to understand.

"Yeah, Mhm." Marcus continued to nod.

"Bruh no."

He looked down at Miya to see her face frowning.

"And what the fuck did I just say? Im not bringing my kids to no damn South Carolina. If they want to see their grandchildren then I will book them a fucking flight. I took too much time off to be just leaving. The fuck?" She smacked her lips. "I will slap the shit out of all y'all. Don't be playing with me all kinda way."

"Just hang up." Marcus shook his head as he leaned down to put the kids on their backs.

"Stop trying to be captain save a hoe like your damn mama and we won't have a problem." She ignored him and continued to talk on the phone.

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