107. Granpapa

528 47 11

Miya Anderson

After signing the deal, they decided that the best way to celebrate was to have a little get together at her fathers house. She didn't want to leave Marcus and her babies out of this accomplishment so she texted them the address to her father house. She knew that he's been here once, but that was only for a split second to pick her up for his court date so she doubted that he paid even a lick of attention.

As they pulled up to the house, Miya looked at a beat up car that was pulled in the driveway. Miya looked over at David to see him looking confused as she did.

"Who car is that?" They asked in unison.

"I don't know you tell me." They responded to each other.

Miya looked at him and squinted her brows.

"You think that-."

"I don't even know who you're thinking about." Miya arched a brow.

"You think that's your granddad?" David stared at the car.

"If it is I need to have a chat with him about telling people my damn business." Miya huffed as she got out of the Escalade and sped walked towards the front door.


David called out to her but it was too late. Miya walked inside of the house and stopped when she saw a few guns pointing at her.

Miya stared at them and then looked around the entrance of the house.

"Who are you?" One man asked with a thick Haitian accent.

"Nigga  who the fuck are you? In my fathers house pointing them tiny ass guns like y'all about that shit." Miya spat at them.

"Your grandfather is most definitely here." David said from behind her. "Kalme ou (calm down)." David used his hands to motion them to put their guns down.

They slowly put their guns down and talked amongst themselves as if nothing happened.

"My kids are going to be here. They can not do that!" Miya yelled at David. "What if I had my kids with me!?"

"Do I hear, about me being a great grandfather?" She looked towards the shaky, deep, raspy voice and mugged.

Miya pointed at her grandfather and shook her head. "Great grandfather my ass. That is dangerous you are not in Florida to be doing that."

"Miya!" David yelled at her.

"No, he needs to know that because when the father of my children walk through those doors with my children and guns are pointed at them everybody, and I mean fucking everybody, getting they ass handed to them." Miya took the hat off her head and placed it on top of the glass table. "He is not in his right state of mind right now so let them point guns at him and his kids." Miya warned.

"Miya that is still your grandfather." David looked over at her.

"And you're my father. I see no difference but age." Miya looked at him with a mug as if what he said was suppose to change how she felt.

"Ah, my sweet Miya." Her grandfather chuckled as he walked up to her and kissed both her cheeks. The strong scent of cigars and colon filled her nose. "Your attitude is horrible."

"I had guns pointed at me in my own fathers house. You think I'm supposed to be happy?" Miya squinted at him. She felt a his hand pop her on her forehead.

"I am still your grandfather. Respect me." He pointed a finger at her before walking over to David and giving him a hug. "My son!"

"This mothafucka really popped my forehead." Miya mugged as she rubbed her forehead and looked towards the group of men.

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