115. Just Don't Get It

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Mela Anderson

"So how did it go?" Her father asked her as he sat across from her at the dining table with two cups of hot coffee in his hands. He gave her one and she gladly took it.

Mela took a sip and then sucked in a breath through her teeth. She pressed her lip together and laughed.

"His plan back fired on him." Mela took a sip of her coffee and chuckled.

"His plan?" He arched his brow.

"Yeup, he thought it was okay to try and use other females to elaborate his plan better. Have females kiss up on him, dance up on him and all. Not knowing that he was digging himself in a deeper hole, because as of right now I'm single."

"Didn't I tell you he wasn't going to be able to handle what he throws out?" David sipped his coffee.

"That's the thing, all I did was shake my butt and leave the party. Not once did I let any man nor female kiss on me or touch on me the entire night." Mela shrugged.

"The thought of someone else doing what he was doing to you was eating his ass alive." David laughed.

"It most certainly was because after I walked out the venue, he was running outside right after me. We had our little conversation right outside."

"What did you say to him?"

"Basically that this isn't what love is suppose to be; how Miya has to start loving herself in order to love anyone else; uh, I told him to go get checked because he's not about to be loving up on our babies when he been letting random females kiss up on him and a bunch of other shit that left him completely in shock." Mela shrugged as she drunk some more of her coffee.

David sighed and shook his head.

"I told him to go save his family and he damn ruined it."

"I mean," Mela shrugged. "Who knows. He can still have his family, meaning his kids, but he just have to act right. I don't want to be with nobody that wears my engagement ring around their neck when they out there doing scandalous shit." Mela shook her head.

She watched as David's mouth fell open. "No, he did that for real?"

"Yup, had my engagement ring around his neck as another female kissed the side of his mouth. Yeah, that level of disrespect I'm not messing with. He was on some other shit last night, but what I should have done was make his nightmare true." Mela chuckled.

"Nightmare?" David arch his brow.

"Mhm, start messing with someone who looks like him, start getting serious, and make a family with him." Mela placed the mug to her lips and arched her brow.

"That's his nightmare but he's practically driving you away to possibly do that? What kind of sense is that?"

Mela sipped the coffee and shrugged. "No clue. No sense at all if we're honestly speaking." Mela sighed and looked over at her babies in each of their rockers.

"What are you going to do about visits?" He asked her.

"He's allowed to see his kids whenever he want to. He can come here, I can drop them off, he can come on trips to be with them, he can do whatever he likes when it comes to his kids, as long as he's in his children life, because it damn sure takes two to make kids." Mela slightly smiled at them but then looked back at her dad.

"How do you know he's going to be there for his kids?"

"The truth is," Mela sighed. "I don't know if he's going to be there for them. I can't make a man be in his child's life. If he wants to be here, he can. If not then oh well."

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