She pulled a face as she turned to look at Sirius.

"Where did you come from?" She asked, raising a hand to her chest, feeling her heart beating through her layers of school clothes.

"And why the fuck did you have to scare me?" Sirius chuckled slightly, holding up a cloak.

"James has an invisibility cloak, and because it's funny." Cassie raised her eyebrows as she looked at the cloak.

"Woah, but why does Potter have one?" Sirius shrugged.

"His dad had it." Cassie nods, then shakes her head.

"Right. . . now why are you here?"

"You're coming with me to see James." Cassie shook her head.

"No, I'm not." Sirius pouted.

"But, but." Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Sirius, it's basically curfew, and I'm tired." Sirius continued to pout, making puppy dog eyes at Cassie, who quickly shut her eyes and crossed her arms.

"No Sirius, it's too late, and we are bound to get caught."


"Ow! Sirius, that was my foot." Cassie and Sirius were hunched underneath James' cloak, walking to the Hospital Wing.

"Sorry, I'm just used to having a tall person with longer steps walking with me." Cassie rasied an eyebrow.

"Is that an insult to my height?" She heard Sirius chuckle as they turned another corner.

"No, definitely not, you're as tall as a giraffe."

"Wait." She said, stopping suddenly, she turned around to face Sirius.

"Why did I have to come?" He shrugged.

"I wanted company in detention if we get caught." Cassie nodded, turning back around.

"Fair enough." Sirius smiled as the turned the last corner and appeared at the door to the Hospital Wing. Sirius pulled the cloak off of them as Cassie pushed the door open, James raised his head, smiling slightly as he caught sight of the two of them.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked in a playful tune as Sirius and Cassie walked over to his bed, sitting down in the chairs either side of it. Cassie shrugged.

"I was forced to come," James let out a chuckle as he looked at Cassie.

"He did the puppy dog eyes did he?" She nodded.

"Obviously," James grinned, before turning back to Sirius, who was looking towards the door, his eyebrows raised.

"Padfoot?" James asked, and Sirius turned to look at him, quickly looking back towards the door.

"I just remembered, I've got homework to do." Sirius quickly stood up, rushing to the door and closing the door behined him

"How much do you wanna bet that it's Marlene he has gone after?" Cassie joked, and James shrugged.

"I bet a butterbeer its that sixth year Ravenclaw, Molly Noon." Cassie nods.

"Okay, you think it's Molly, I think its Marlene- he has a thing for M's."

"Next it will be Moony." James chuckled as he turned to look at Cassie, knitting his eyebrows together.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Cassie shrugged.

"I was in the library, and Sirius came and found me, before dragging me along." James nodded, staring slightly as Cassie tucked a piece of her behind her ear.

"Why are you in the library this late?" He asked and the Slytherin shrugged.

"I always go into the library this late, I go in around eight, and then try to stay in for as long as I can." James nodded, stil lying on his side and looking at Cassie.

"Did you get the notice in your common room?" Cassie asked after a few moments of silence.

"About the Career's advice next week?" James nodded, and the two soon began to talk about what they wanted to be once they had left Hogwarts.

Cassie being slightly surprised when James said an Auror, expecting him to want to be a Quidditch player because of his talents in the sport. And James smiled as Cassie explained why she wanted to be s teacher to help inspire kids and be there for them when they needed her.

Soon they had began to talk about the Professors in the school, joking that Professor Bins had gone to the afterlife, only to be shoved back to Earth once he had began his lectures.

They just talked to each-other, joking and laughing through a few small serious conversations, but still trying to be as quiet as possible in order not to wake Madam Pomfrey who was only meters away.

Before they knew it, around an hour and a half had passed. Cassie yawned and looked at the clock, before looking at the door.

"Seems like Sirius isn't coming back." She said, rolling her eyes, as James nodded.

"Anyways," Cassie stood up, running a hand through her hair and streching slightly.

"I'm gonna go back before I fall asleep here."

James quickly sat up, shaking his head and wincing slightly.

"No you're not." Cassie stared at him.

"What? Why not?" James thought for a second before pointing at the chair Sirius had sat in for only a few moments.

"He took the cloak, you're bound to get caught." The dark-haired girl let out a small groan, before walking up to James and making a gesture for him to move over

"What?" He asked, moving over slightly, his eyes widening as Cassie lay down next to him.

"And what do you think you're doing?" He asked, his heart beating louder and harder in his chest.

"Sleeping, I get cold easily, and the blankets on the beds here are too thin." James nodded shakily as Cassie faced him.

"You better not mind Potter, I don't want to freeze to death." She said and James quickly shook his head.

"No, I don't mind." Cassie smiled slightly, before closing her eyes and turning away from James.

"Night then Potter." She heard him reply with a goodnight, before he moved slightly, Cassie took a deep breath as James placed an arm around her waist.

The two of them didn't sleep until later that night, the same thought swarming both of their heads.

Why did this feel so right?


bruises - james potter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora