The Dragon who would be Queen

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As soon as she used the king of Redanias name, (F/N) shook his head, "You can't honestly believe that. The man's insane. Radovid doesn't care about anything except exterminating people like us and defeating Emyhr."

Keira shook her head, as if he was the one who didn't understand, "Well when he see's what I have, he'll care."

The witcher laughed, he had met the King, the scars on his back tingled, "He'll either burn you at the stake, and rip those notes up right in front of you. Or he'll put a dimeritium collar on you and force you to weaponize the plague against non-humans and Nilfgaardians."

Keira seemed to consider the first part, but she shook her head at the last part, "Don't be ridiculous. Bacteria can't be controlled."

(F/N) laughed and gestured to himself, "You also can't make a half-vampire, half-mage hybrid, yet here I am."

The enchantress glowered at him, he was making a surprising amount of sense, but she refused to listen, "I don't have time for this, (F/N)! We shagged once, that doesn't mean you know everything about me or the world. I'm going to see Radovid whether you like it or not."

(F/N) tried to reason with her, "You know this is wrong. Deep down you do. You know Radovid is the only one crazy enough to try to weaponize disease, and even if he fails, he'll make it worse, thousands could die, do you really want that on your conscience?"

Keira stomped her foot into the mud, causing her dress to stain, which only served to make her angrier, she turned around, and yelled, "What of it?! What difference does it make if Nilfgaardians or peasants die by steel or some fucking bacteria? None!"

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, "The difference? The difference is you have to look at yourself in the mirror and know that you caused it."

Keira let out a yell through clenched teeth, "Shut up!" She turned around, she had tears in her eyes, "Look at me." She held up her arm, and gestured to her dress' sleeve, the witcher saw that there were tiny red insects running up and down it, "Bedbugs, (F/N). Bloody bedbugs! I, Keira Metz, advisor to Foltest and member of the Lodge of Sorceresses, have bedbugs! Think what you will, but I'll not stay in this bloody swamp one day more. Not one day!"

(F/N) sighed, and sheathed his sword, he knew he wasn't going to be able to lay a finger on the woman. He stood by the enchantress as she continued speaking, "I shall cross the Pontar, and that means Radovid's men will find me sooner or later. Don't you understand? I don't have choice. I will have to parley." She wiped her eyes, and shook her head, it was clear she was ashamed she had fallen so far. The witcher looked at the woman, his heart ached slightly, he wished he could help her, he wished he could make all her problems go away, well...maybe he could make at least one issue go away, "Well...there is another option."

Keira looked at him curiously, as he offered his own solution, "You could go to Kaer Morhen."

She looked at him, for the first time she didn't look upset, "You believe I'd be safe there?"

(F/N) nodded, "Of course. Neither Radovid nor Emhyr would go there. They have nothing to gain by taking it. As long as you don't piss Lambert off, you'll be fine. There's almost nothing in terms of luxury, but it's clean, quiet, and peaceful most of the time. Tell them I sent you and they'll welcome you."

The enchantress bit her lip, it looked as though she was considering it, "It's a long way, well beyond the dividing line. But if I keep to the woods until I reach Kestrel Mountains, I should pass through unnoticed...So be it. Seems I find it hard to refuse you, handsome." She winked at him, her normal flirty demeanor already back, as if she hadn't nearly melted down, "You've clearly a notion of what women want, how they think."

The Witcher The Swallow and The MonsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora