daniel 🌅 fight

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Request #21

"well I have a right to be mad Daniel! You're never fucking home!"
"I'm at the studio! I'm working! I'm tired!"
"and I don't ?! I also work ever day, we all do! We all have lives, not everyone lives in their little perfect papstar bubble! i'm also busy but I make time for us for you. I fucking make it work because I want to make it work and I care! I get it you're tired and I hate seeing you come home exhausted! It breaks my heart but we all are Daniel...but we don't have the choice of taking a break, we have to work to live! Leave me alone!"

after saying that she jogged up to her room. I sighed and walked out to my car. I knew she war right and it breaks my heart knowing I hurt her. I needed to make it up to her.

I got back home and walked around my room, the guys opened the door and looked at me confused.

"what'd you do?"
"I hurt Neveah"
"not...physically right?"
"are you crazy?! of course not!"
"ok ok"
"Fuck I don't know what to do"
"go see her and apologise"
"yes now. you never wanna go to bed with an unresolved argument."

I nodded and knew what I was gonna do. I got changed into sweatpants and a hoodie and brought a hoodie with me. I quickly stopped by the shops to get some stuff.

Neveah p.o.v.

I sat in bed thinking about Daniel and I's fight. We don't fight or argue often at all but I couldn't deal with it today. My roommate and best friend came in and saw me looking sad with red cheeks and eyes.

I talked to her and she comforted me for a while, I told her I wanted to be alone which she respected so now I was trying to forget about today and calm down.

A few hours later after I heard my room open, I looked over and saw Daniel with his arms full of things, a bag of food, some sweats, and flowers.

"Can I come in...please?"

I nodded, he put all the stuff down on my bed and sat next to me.

"hey...i'm sorry about earlier. I'm an ass, I was stressed and caught up in my own mind which isn't right. I didn't mean to hurt you, I would never wanna do that. Please forgive me."

I hugged him leaning my head on his shoulder, he hugged me back. I let out a breath of relief that was stuck in my throat for a while.

"you're not an ass Daniel. i'm sorry I yelled at you"
"no I deserved it"

I shook my head, he rubbed me head as he softly sung to me sensing my stress and anxiety. He pulled back and grabbed the hoodie he'd brought.

"here, yours"
"thank you"

I put it on and saw him holding the flowers to me, I smiled taking them.

"thank you babe, you shouldn't have"
"well I felt and still do feel bad so that's the least i can do"

I put them down on my nightstand before sitting on his lap and kissing him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed me back. We laid down to talk and kiss some more.

"thank you for coming back"
"of course, I couldn't go to bed with you being sad"
"I love you"
"I love you more"

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