jonah 🏞 changing you

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Request #1

"you excited to go to the new school?!"

my mom asked, she's honestly more excited about this then I am.

"not extremely, no but at least I have Kim"


I walk into school and look around at everyone and everything before spotting Kim. I smile and walk over, she saw me and smiled brightly before pulling me into a hug.

"heyyyy! how you feeling?"
"kinda nervous but I mean that's normal"
"thank god we have a few classes together"

I looked over and saw a group of guys walk in looking somewhat intimidating. I chuckled at their attempt of being cool.

"I wouldn't laugh at them, just so you stay alive"
"what can they do? look at them"
"no trust me, Jonah, everyone hates him, he gets into fights constantly, throws the worst parties"

I shrugged.

"I swear! The cops show up at every one"
"well, he can't be that scary, they look kinda stupid"
"who are you calling stupid?"

I turned around and saw the one Jonah guy with his friends around him. He saw me and his features softened.

"I didn't call anyone stupid"
"Well you sure did-"

He put his hand on his friends chest to stop him. He looked back at me and showed a little smile before walking away.


"No Julie I swear Jonah never interrupts his friends yelling at someone! That was legit crazy"

Kim pestered me as we walked to my car after school. To our surprise they were standing near my car, Kim sighed but I just gave Jonah a serious look, he stood up straighter and moved a bit so I could pass more easily. As I was doing so his friend cat called me, he immediately slapped his chest.

"no...not her"


"this is not normal this is the first day in months he hasn't gotten into a fight and he surely has never been nice to someone like he's been to you"
"maybe cus I don't let him intimidate me"
"easier said then done"
"he's not even that impressive cmon, he's cute"
"he's what?!"
"he's cute"
"oh god"


2 months later

"So how do you feel about going to your first party here?"
"quite indifferent, it can't be any different from normal ones"

We got out of the car and walked into the house that was already filled with people. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed a drink. I wasn't planning on getting lit but just to enjoy myself.

After about an hour of dancing and laughing I decided to take a break and take a walk outside. I sat down on a random rock towards the back of the yard and just sat on my phone for a while.


I looked up and saw the Jonah.

"what you doing here by yourself"
"had to take a breath, too many people in there"

He chuckled.

"what are you doing here by yourself?"
"was just passing by and saw someone outside and wondered who it was"
"it's me"

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now