jonah 🏞 pretend

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I was quickly walking down the street trying to find someone I could talk to. Some guy has been following me for a while and he's really starting to scare me. It was kinda late at night so no shops or cafés were open and there were barely any people outside.

I started to get really anxious when I finally found some guy that didn't look like a serial killer and walked up to him. He looked up as I got to him.

"uhm hello this creepy guy has been following me can u pretend to know me so i'm not alone"
"yeah of course"

he said and looked behind me at the guy, I looked over discretely at the man. He stayed around and didn't leave.

"cmon let's get out of here"

the guy said taking my hand and walking off. I was surprised but he didn't scare me and I felt safe.

"sorry for bothering you, i'm y/n btw"
"no don't worry about it, i'm Jonah, do you have a car?"
"uh no I took an uber here"
"want me to drive you home?"
"if you don't mind"

we walked to the nearest parking lot, I looked back to see the guy still following us. Jonah looked back and saw him, he put his arm around my waist pulling him closer to him.

"don't be scared"

before I could say anything he pulled me into the elevator and quickly closed it. I took a deep breath, my hands were pretty shaky, I tried to hide it.

"it's ok you're safe, we lost him"

Jonah said rubbing my arm. We got out of the elevator and got into his car.

"can I hug you?"

without saying anything he pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back gently. I know this might seem weird but I felt totally safe. I pulled back.

"thank you"
"here put your adresse in"

he said handing me his phone, I put it in and gave it back to him. We talked for most of the car ride.

"thanks again for helping me"
"of course, wouldn't let such a beautiful girl get kidnapped or something"

he said, I felt myself blushing so I looked down. He stopped at a read light and looked at me. He placed his hand on top of mine, I smiled and intertwined our fingers, I saw him smile from the corner of my eye.

We got to my house about 10 minutes later, he pulled into my driveway and turned his car off before smiling at me.

"again, thank you"
"no I would obviously help you out"
"I owe you something"
"can I have your number?"

I chuckled and took his phone and put my number in it.

"here you go"
"thanks, I'd love to talk more"
"me too"


4 months later

"bye mom i'm gonna hang out with Jonah"
"ok have fun be safe!"

I chuckled and walked out, I hopped into his car. I leaned over and kissed my boyfriend of 3 months, after we met we went on a lot of dates and eventually started dating.

I'm really happy and i'm so thankful that happened that night because even though it was scary, I wouldn't have met Jonah.

He smiled and took my hand, I turned the music on loud making him laugh. We drove to our favorite restaurant and walked in, we ate and talked like always. He stopped eating and just looked at me, I smiled.

"what u lookin at?"

we laughed, he took my hand and kissed it. I sat up and sat on his side of the booth, he put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Jonah"

he kissed my head

"I love you too"

I looked up at him and kissed him, i'm so lucky to have him.

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant