corbyn 🌌 period

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Request #17

I woke up feeling uneasy, I soon realised I'd started my period. I groaned and took care of it. I looked at the outfit I'd laid out for the day and just shook my head, instead of the tight black jeans and blouse, I put on some acceptable sweatpants and a hoodie. I didn't even try with with makeup and hair so just went downstairs and grabbed some meds to ease the cramps. My brother gave me a side eye, I stared at him.

"don't even look at me"

I waited about five minutes before Corbyn texted me he was outside. I grabbed my backpack and walked out to his car. I opened the door and very elegantly plopped my ass down on the seat. Corbyn chuckled immediately recognising my mood.

"morning sunshine"
"I don't want today to happen Corb"
"aw love come here"

he hugged me, I looked up and kissed him.

"I have so much to do, I'm bloated, sad, I feel sick and wanna sleep"
"you sure you wanna go to school?"
"I have to, i've got shit to do and ugh"

he took my hand rubbing it soothingly and drove off, we got out of the car and walked towards the building.

"text me if you need me, you're beautiful I love you"

he kissed my forehead knowing I wasn't about the whole kissing thing when I felt like this.

"love you"

he smiled and went to class. A few hours later at lunch, I was sat picking at my food still feeling like dying. I pushed it away and started doing some work. A few minutes later I felt Corbyn's hands on my shoulders squeezing them lightly. He pulled the hood of my hoodie down, I looked up at him.

"you okay love?"

I shook my head going back to my work, he sat next to me putting his arm around me.

"when's this for?"
"next week"
"you can do it when you feel better, don't stress about it now"
"I wanna get it done"
"you're not doing your best work if you just wanna get it done"

I sighed and gave in because he's right. I put everything back into my backpack. He pulled out my favorite chocolate and suddenly got hungry, he gave it to me kissing my temple.

"thank you"
"of course"

he stayed with me the rest of lunch period before walking me to my last class. After school all I could feel was overwhelming pain and sadness, the typical. I walked out and saw Corbyn in his car waiting for me, I got in and sighed.

"too much?"

I nodded and the tears just started flowing. He took my hand knowing I wouldn't like a hug rightnow. He kissed my head rubbing it sweetly.

"hey I'll drive you home, you can take a bath and relax"

he wiped my cheeks and kissed me quickly. He drove me home and walked me inside. He said hi to my parents and chatted to them for a few minutes while I stood in his arms needing comfort.

"ok I need to leave"

I whined tightening my grip, they all chuckled at me.

"I'll be back later"
"will you stay for dinner?"

my mom asked him, I nodded answering for him. He rolled his eyes playfully and kissed my head. He left the house, I grabbed my backpack from the kitchen island.

"Corbyn's a really great guy"
"yeah I know"
"yeah I would even accept if he asked for your hand"

my dad said making both me and my mom look up at him.

"i'm gonna head upstairs"

they laughed and I continued my quest to my bed. I took a quick shower and got in my pjs. I laid in bed in pain wanting nobody to touch me but also wanting nothing else but Corbyn here with me.


The door opened revealing my ever so loving boyfriend. He chuckled seeing my basically passed out reaching my arms out to him, he kissed my before laying on top of me.

After a bit of cuddling he sat up and grabbed a fuzzy blanket.

"I slept with it for a few nights so it should smell like me"
"fuck yeah"

I wrapped myself in it and smiled happily.

"thank you bean, I love you a lot"
"I love you too, you're cute"

I leaned forward kissing him sweetly feeling really thankful for my wonderful boyfriend.

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora