corbyn 🌌 you told him

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Request #16

"Give it up y/n! You like him!"
"shut up no I don't!"
"bla bla bla"
"jeez just leave me alone"

I closed the door harshly infront of my annoying sister. I sighed falling onto my bed. She's been going on about how I like Corbyn but I don't!
Well...maybe I do. But I don't want her to know and tell him. I'm very shy and it took a long time for us to become good friends so I don't wanna go through that embarrassment and ruin everything.

a few hours later

"hey y/n i'm going to target, you wanna come?"

Corbyn texted me, I smiled

"yeah sure"
"kay i'll pick you up in 5 minutes"

I blushed like an idiot, I shook my head trying to stop myself from blushing any more. I put on my vans and grabbed my wallet before going downstairs. I told my mom I'd be back soon and walked outside.

I waited for a minute before he pulled up, I got in his car putting my wallet in the cup holder.


we drove to the nearest target while listening to music on the radio and talking about our week.

"what's up?"
"i'm annoyed at my sister"
"she's just being a bitch"
"i'm sure there's a reason"
"well she keeps being annoying about my crush"
"your crush?!"
"cmon tell me"

I shook my head and walked into a different ile to hopefully escape the conversation. I thought it'd worked but a few minutes later he brought it back up.

"y/n I wanna know"
"it's really not that important"

he started tickling me.

"Corbyn! Stop!"

I tried to not scream since there were people around.

"I'm not gonna stop until you tell me"
"I can't breathe"

he rolled his eyes and stopped slightly

"jesus why do you wanna know?"
"cus you're my best friend"
" friend...exactly"

he looked at me confused as I looked down. His face lit up when he realised.

"oh my god wait really?"

I walked away wanting the ground to eat me up. I heard him come after me, he grabbed my arm.

"y/n wait! is it me?"
"took you long enough"

I said still refusing to look at him. He looked around and saw that there were lots of people around us. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into and empty ile.

"what are you-"

I got interrupted by his lips and mine and his arms around my waist. To say I was taken back was an understatement but I had dreamed of this and it was perfect.

He pulled back slightly and smiled at me.

"been waiting for this for a long time"

I chuckled and kissed him again, he picked me up making me squeal and laugh.

"i'm so happy it's mutual"

I whispered, he kissed my cheek.

"of course, how could I not like the most gorgeous and amazing girl"
"stop it"

we smiled at each as he put me down.

"wanna be my girlfriend?"

I said obviously, he laughed.

"cmon let's leave"

he said taking my hand and walking to the register. He hasn't let me go since, we're now at my place hanging out, enjoying this new relationship thing.

My sister walked into the living not seeing us at first, she looked up before doing a double take with a confused expression on her face. We laughed at her surprise.

"you did it! see I told you!"

I blushed leaning into Corbyn to hide my face, he chuckled rubbing my back.

"aw y'all are cute"

Corbyn said

"I support you guys...just don't wanna mini-yous running around"
"omg stop it!"

I said chasing her out of the room, she squealed and ran away. I shook my head walking back into the living room. I sat back down next to Corbyn and sighed.

Corbyn p.o.v.

She sat down sighing, I smiled. She's so beautiful. She leaned her head on my shoulder. I pulled her onto me wrapping my arms around her, she smiled placing her arms around me neck.

She pulled back and smiled at me.

"I'm happy I told you"
"I'm happy you did aswell"

I leaned closer and kissed her, I pulled back after a bit and kissed her nose making her smile. She put her head in the crook of my neck.

"I never wanna leave"
"don't have to"

we both chuckled

"wanna go upstairs and watch something?"

we went upstairs and stayed together the whole evening and the rest of our lives.

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz