corbyn 🌌 help

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"hey I need your help"

Corbyn told me over the phone, I was a bit confused. He's pretty hard headed and is always insisting that he doesn't need help.

"uh yeah sure where are you?"
"in the parking lot at practice"
"you need me to come?"
"could you?"
"yeah of course Corbyn, I'll be there in 5 minutes"

I put on my shoes and walked down there since I lived really close. I saw only a few cars parked since it was getting dark. I saw Corbyns car and walked over. I knocked on the window, he quickly turned his head and unlocked the door.

"hey Corbs what's up?"
"I wanted to talk to someone and I knew you'd listen"
"of course Corbyn what's wrong?"
"Lauren cheated on me" (random name)
"oh Corbyn"

I pulled him into a hug, I rubbed his back gently as he let out a loud breath. I could hear soft sobs coming from him.

"aw no don't cry it's ok"
"I r-really thought I could t-trust her"

I felt so bad, he love her so much and put so much effort into their relationship when she didn't but he couldn't see it like the rest of us could.

"you'll be ok, it wasn't meant to be, there's someone out there that will love you as much as you love them. she's not worth your time"

he pulled back leaning back onto the seat, I wiped his tears and gave him a tissue. It was silent for a few seconds.

"thank you for coming"
"of course, you wanna come with me, we can eat snacks and watch something"

he nodded

"you want me to drive?"

he nodded again before we switched sides. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove up the street to my house. We went into my house, my mom could tell he was sad so she asked what was going on, he briefly told her and my mom hugged him. We were best friends and be had come over a lot he was basically part of the family.

She gave him some advice and told some jokes which made him laugh a bit. I smiled and we went up to my room. I told him to get comfortable and choose a movie or show while I got snacks. I came back and we had put on a movie we used to watch when we were younger.

"oh my god I haven't seen it in ages"
"yeah I miss it"

I joined him on the bed and we watched the movie. After the movie was done it was pretty late.

"wanna sleep over?"

he said softly, I laid onto my side and looked at him. I touched his hand.

"wanna talk?"
"I need a cuddle"

I laid closer and hugged him, he did the same holding me tight.

"I don't know what I did"
"you didn't do anything Corbyn don't say that"

I played with hair and lightly kissed his head.

"you'll find someone better, someone that cares for you as much as you do for them"
"thank you"

6 months later

So Life went on, he slowly but surely got over it and regained confidence. He was coming over today to hang out. I was outside in my back yard when Corbyn jumped infront of me scaring me almost to death.

"Omg fuck you"
"Love you too"

I had to breath for a second as he just laughed.

"atleast you're feeling better"

he looked at me confused

"you're not a broken bean anymore"
"oh yeah thanks to you"
"my pleasure"

we both laughed, he sat down and laid his back on me.

"what the fuck is this about"
"you're comfy"
"Corbyn get off"
"or what?"
"i'll throw you in the pool!"
"how are you supposed to do that if you're under me"

I pushed him off of me and grabbed his wrists to pull him into the pool, he stopped me and bent down. I didn't understand what he was doing but my thought got interrupted when he swooped me over his shoulder.

"put me down!"
"get ready"
"Corbyn! Don't you dare!"

he went to just let me go but I pulled him down with me creating a huge splash of water. I quickly swam to the surface and saw Corbyn doing the same.


he laughed but stopped when he saw me swimming to the side, he swam over.

"you okay?"
"my ankle hurts"
"shit i'm sorry"

he pushed me up so I could sit on the side, he looked at my ankle, it was warm making you kinda worry.

"Fuck i'm sorry I didn't wanna do that"
"it's ok it's not your fault"
"it is, wait here"

he went inside quickly and grabbed towels, he came back and put one around me. He picked me up and brought me inside to my bathroom. He sat me down on the counter and looked for a first aid box.

"you think it's broken?"
"no it hurts but it would be swollen if it was"

he found some cooling gel and tried to put it on my ankle, it hurt so he took my hand rubbing it to sooth the pain a bit.

Once he was done he put everything away and looked at me with a guilty face. I shook my head and pulled him closer to hug him.

"i'm sorry, please don't hate me"
"Corbyn shut up I don't hate you, it's not your fault you didn't mean to"
"you sure you don't hate me?"
"Corbyn stop I love you"

he pulled back and looked at me, I froze

"like love love ?"

after a moment of silence he touched my jaw and kissed me. It was perfect, even more perfect that I could've thought. We pulled back slowly and looked at each other.

"I guess that means you like me back"

I said and we both chuckled.

"yeah for a while"
"not as long as me"
"wait how long?"
"when you started dating Lauren"

his eyes went wide

"you're kidding me!"

I covered my face feeling embarrassed.

"aw no don't be embarrassed"

he hugged my and kissed me again.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"omg! Yeah duh!"

I said hugging him, he picked me up gently twirling me around.

"wow this is finally happening, so sorry about your ankle"
"Corbyn that's not the point you're my fucking boyfriend"
"oh gosh I love you"
"I love you too"

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن