corbyn 🌌 angel

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My eyes slowly opened, I saw the bland white walls around me, full of different machines. I made it one more night.

I've been battling cancer for over a year now and recently it's gotten really bad. I looked over as the door opened and my husband walked in. This man, I've always known I would eventually pass away from this but it breaks my heart to have to leave him and my son.

He put breakfast down and sat on my bed, he rubbed my hand gently.

"hi beautiful, you want some food?"
"hey, no thank you"

I said weakly, he nodded and just stayed there talking to me, trying to make me as comfortable as possible. He's gone through all of it with me, he's always at the hospital with me and always takes care of me when we're home. Sadly we don't think I'll be going home this time.

"Grams is bringing Noah over"

I miss my boy so much, I don't want him to stay here with me and Corbyn because I don't want him to see me in this state. Corbyn hugged my fragile body gently.

"You have no idea how much i'm gonna miss you"

We both teared up, we had always imagined our lives together, being together forever and growing old together, unfortunately it would end way too soon.

The door opened and I saw my beautiful baby.

"Momma! Dada!"

Corbyn put him on the bed and he hugged me, I rubbed his back and kissed his temple.

"Momma I missed you"
"I missed you more N, trust me"

The doctor came in in a rush.

"please leave we need to get her into surgery immediately"

we all looked up at them with scared faces, Corbyn took Noah off of me as they started putting different needled in my arm and all over my body. I looked at Corbyn terrified, he was crying, he kissed my head and then my lips.

"You can do this, you're strong, I love you so much"
"I love you more"


Corbyn p.o.v.

I was pacing around the waiting room, Noah was in Grams lap. They didn't say what, why, where, they just took her and i'm freaking out. I am not about to lose the love of my life.

Eventually after long hours of waiting we saw a doctor walking towards us, I stood up and looked at him worried.

"is y/n Besson your partner?"
"yes, my wife, is she alright?"
"it's going to be a tough recovery but she will make it"

he smiled as the tears just pored out of my eyes.

"Oh my god thank you so much, where is she?"
"she's in her room, you can go see her once she's awake"
"ok thank you"

I picked up Noah and squeezed him tight.

"she's gonna be ok baby, she's gonna make it"

he started crying making me cry even more, Grams stood up and hugged us both.


We were walking down the beach holding hands while Noah ran all around us, we chuckled and I kissed the cheek of my beautiful wife I nearly lost. This was her first time back at the beach since she got diagnosed. She was happily looking around enjoying the cool air.

I am grateful for everyday I get to spend with the love of my life and my little angel.

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant