jack 🎆 sneak out

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"are you home?"

Jack's text popped up on my screen as I was brushing my teeth.

"yes what's up?"
"i'm coming over"

Jack and I have been dating for about a year, recently he got suspended for two weeks because he got in a fight so his parents forced him to stay home but he sneaks out to see me anyway.

I got changed into pyjama shorts and a hoodie, I opened my window for him to climb into since I didn't want my parents knowing he comes over when he's supposed to be home.

I sat on my bed and got my laptop to finish an essay. I heard footsteps outside making me look up to see Jack walking up to my window.

"sup Rapunzel"

I chuckled as he jumped in, he closed my window before taking his shoes off and joining me in bed.

"where'd you parc?"
"a street down"

he said before we shared a soft kiss, he put his arm around me looking down at my essay.

"European politics...fun"
"not worse than American"

we chuckled

"I need to finish this quickly"
"yeah of course"
"here I brought up these"

I said grabbing and handing him the bag of goldfish.

"fuck yeah, thanks"

he scrolled through his phone and snacked while I finished my work. I closed my laptop and put it away, I leaned my head on Jack's shoulder. He kissed my head and we chatted for a while.

"I miss going out with you after school"
"me too but that dumbass deserved a good punch"
"what it's true"

we both laughed, I smiled and rolled my eyes. I leaned in kissing him multiple times. We were lost in the moment so we didn't heard the footsteps coming closer, the door opened making us pull back quickly. My mom stopped when she saw Jack.

"Jack? Honey what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be-"
"please don't tell my mom"
"mom we just miss not being together please don't be mad"
"i'm not mad...damn kids these days"

we all laughed

"don't get into anymore fights please, you're a good guy you don't need that image"
"I promise"
"good...how'd you get in?"

he pointed to the window making her roll her eyes jokingly.

"please use the front door from now on"

he nodded and my mom left, I looked at him raising my eyebrow.

"thought I was gonna die there"

he said laying down, I chuckled and laid my head onto his chest we cuddled for a while. He lifted his hand, I took it, intertwined our fingers. He kissed my hand as I felt myself drift off.

Jack p.o.v.

A few minutes later and she was out, I stayed put for a bit not wanting to wake her up. Eventually I crept out of her grip and pulled the covers over her. I pulled her curtains closed and decided to leave her little note because why not.

"morning love, have a good day. I love you see you soon"

I turned all the lights off before kissing her head gently and walking out of her room. I pet the dog so he wouldn't bark and left.

I got home not long after and climbed into my window but was surprised by my mother standing in my room with her arms crossed over her chest. Shit.

"i'd love to hear you explain what the hell is going on Jack"
"I-I was at y/n's"
"You're grounded Jack! The point is you're not allowed to leave"
"sorry mom, I know but I-we really missed each other and she's been feeling off and I didn't want her to be alone"
"Jack...I would've rather you tell me instead of sneaking out"
"why did you even get in that fight?"
"I was in a really bad mood and he just pissed me off, I know I never fight anyone and I honestly can't tell you why I did"
"fine Jack...is y/n okay?"
"yeah, she's just been feeling a bit anxious"
"poor thing, invite her over to dinner tomorrow"
"ok, thank you mom, i'm sorry"
"it's fine son, goodnight"

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt