zach 🏙 this girl

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We were all hanging out at Jonah's place after practice, as time went on people had to leave so it was just a few of us by 10pm. I saw Jonah's sister, y/n walking into the house, she was looking beautiful as ever but she seemed off. She had a sad look on her face going into the kitchen. Jonah looked over seeing her.

"hey aren't you supposed to be out?"
"yeah...but I left"
"I don't wanna talk about it"

She grabbed her bag and went upstairs probably into her room. I tried to brush it off but it wouldn't leave my conscious. I got up to go to the bathroom, I skipped it and went directly to y/n's room. We weren't very close but we were friends. I knocked on her door.

"it's open"

I walked in seeing her sat on her bed in a big sweatshirt and pyjama shorts with fuzzy socks. She had a fresh looking face and looked cute as ever with her glasses and hair up in a messy bun.

"hey, can I sit?"

she nodded, I sat next to her, it was probably the softest pillows and sheets I've ever felt. I touched it with an amazed face.


she chuckled leaning her back against the headboard.

"you seemed to have had an interesting night"
"surely did"
"wanna talk about it?"

she waited for a few seconds to talk, she sighed before doing so.

"I went on a date, he showed up like 45 minutes late and he was kinda rude and afterwards he wanted to bring me back to his place and he started calling me names when I said no. He told me he just wanted sex and when I send no he called me names again and left"
"...oh...i'm sorry"

she shrugged

"Wouldn't be the first time, i'm basically used to it"
"can I tell you something?"
"y/n, you're an amazingly beautiful woman, you're smart, loyal and deserving. You shouldn't get treated that way, nobody should. It's not your fault, sadly some people never seem to mature"
"thank you Zach"

she whispered showing off a soft smile. I lifted my one arms as a cue for a hug, she shifted closer and hugged to me placing her head on my shoulder.

We stayed chatting like that for a few minutes, we let each other go when we heard Jonah's footsteps getting closer. He opened the door and saw us, he definitely seemed confused.

"what's going on here?"
"we're just chatting Jo don't freak"
"mm sure"
"Jo please stop I'm done with boys atleast for rightnow"

he closed the door joining us on the bed

"im intrigued"
"I just went on a shit date with a shit guy"
"i'll personally go whoop his ass"
"it doesn't matter I don't wanna think about it anymore"
"the other guys left you wanna watch something?"
"ok just lemme go put on something more comfortable"

he got up and jogged to his room.

"ok i'll leave you guys to it"
"no stay"

she said wrapping her arms around mine, leaning her head against it, I chuckled.

"you sure?"

She put on a movie on her laptop which projected onto her wall with the projector Jonah had gotten her for her birthday, I was with him when he was freaking out because he didn't know what an 18 year old girl would want for her birthday.

Jonah joined us and we sat, y/n in the middle all eyes focusing on the movie.

An hour later Jonah was basically out so decided to head to bed. Before closing the door he told me I could sleepover in the guest bedroom so I wouldn't have to drive home too late, I thanked him, he threw up a thumbs up and went to bed.

When the movie was done I looked down and saw y/n fast asleep. I turned the projector and laptop off placing them on her desk. I lifted her covers placing them over her really trying to not wake her up. I went to turn off her fairy lights, her head was really close to my hand. I placed my hand on her head softly pushing her hair out of her face. I placed a soft kiss onto her head, I don't really know why, It felt right and I felt bad for her having to deal with a jackass.
I turned the lights off and went to bed.


Next morning

I woke up with the soft light shining through the blinds, I grabbed my phone randomly scrolling through instagram. I decided to leave so I wouldn't bother them any longer. I fixed my hair quickly, made the bed and went downstairs.


I looked over seeing y/n sipping on something leaning against the kitchen counter.

"thanks about last night, turning my lights off and stuff"
"oh of course"
"...and the kiss"
"shit i'm sorry"
"don't say sorry it was nice"

we chatted quickly before I walked to the door

"see ya"

she jogged over placing her hand on my forearm and kissing my cheek.

"see ya"

She walked away leaving me outside with a flushed face. this girl.

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