corbyn 🌌 hidden - part 2

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He went around saying hello to everyone and finally got to me. He smirked pulling me into a supposedly friendly colleague hug. He didn't resist the urge to squeeze my side.

"you're going to be the death of me"

he whispered, I saw my dad walking around pretty close to us, I removed his hand slowly desperately not wanting to do so.

"just you wait"

we talked random work things until dinner started. He sat next to me knowing it was risky but we honestly didn't care. Whenever he could his hand was on me and it was great. I really like Corbyn and I am thinking about what my mom said and am considering it seriously but obviously need to talk to him about it.

Food was done so I decided to start the plan, I got up from the table excusing myself telling the table I had an urgent assignment to get done. My father let me go and I rushed off to my room. I took my shoes off and took my rings off topping up the perfume and in general checking myself and the surroundings.

Around fifteen minutes later I heard Corbyn's knock on my door, I smiled opening it to see the one and only standing there with a devilish smile on his face.

I smiled pulling him in and locking the door behind him.

"what'd you say?"
"Family emergency"
"come here"

He didn't hesitate to pull my body flush to his and connecting our lips. 


He laid his head onto my shoulder, I placed my hand onto his back running my nails up and down scratching him lightly as we breathed heavily.

"I missed you"
"me too"

I said and kissed his head, we cuddled while chatting.

"my mom thinks we should tell my dad"
"yeah she thinks he'll be okay with it and will find a solution"
"that would be good"
"we just have to be sure about this"
"are you?"
"...I am"
"glad we feel the same"
"I mean, I do love you"
"aw I love you too"

I blushed realising we'd never shared those words seriously meaning them. I placed my hand on his cheek, kissing him sweetly.

"you want me to be there when you tell him?"
"I think i'm gonna talk to him tomorrow and see how he reacts"

He grabbed his phone looking at the time.

"I have to go"

I put my arms around his neck not planning on letting go. He chuckled and kissed my neck.

"My car is here"

he got up and got dressed, he left me his blouse knowing I loved wearing it. I got dressed aswell to walk him to the door. As we walked through the different hallways I grabbed his hand, he squeezed it gently. I knew my dad was asleep and once he's out he's out for good.

The security knew so we didn't care if they saw us. We got to the main door, he hugged me kissing my forehead and lips.

"let me know how it goes"
"I you"
"love you too"

he kissed me again and left. I waited until his car was gone and went back to room.


Next morning

My mom, Kat and I were sat at the table having breakfast when my dad walked in. We just had normal conversation when I decided it was time.

"hey Dad can I tell you something?"
"I wanted to tell you that I have...a b-boyfriend"

he looked up at me surprised

"what now? since when"
"like 7 months"

he started ranting about having to get him checked out and making sure nobody knows, I looked at my mom anxiously.

"excuse me?! Corbyn? Besson?"

I nodded, he raked his hands through his hair.

"that can't happen, you work together"
"dad please, we've been together and working together for months and we're working just fine"

My mom helped me trying to convince him, after 30 minutes he stood up and started pacing.

"Is it a serious thing?"
"...Do you love him?"
"...yeah I do dad"
"ok...meeting with the two of you, here, tomorrow evening"

I nodded and went to my room, I called him and let him know, he tried to reassure me that it would be okay. We talked for a while more before he bad to hang up.


The next evening

The door opened as I was sitting on my bed. Kat opened the door with Corbyn standing behind her, I stood up and hugged him.

"your dad wants you down in 5 minutes"

she says and leaves. He pulled his head back and kissed me.

"I'm scared"
"don't be, we'll make it work I promise"

I nodded but looked down

"hey...I love you"
"I love you too"

he kissed my sweetly before heading downstairs hand in hand. I let his hand go before walking in. My parents both looked up, my mom stood up telling us to sit down on the other couch.

Corbyn reached his hand out for them to shake, they did but my dad definitely glared at him.

" initiated this?"
"I did dad"
"we both did"

I looked at Corbyn smiling softly.

The conversation goes on with us telling my dad we both wanted it and still do.

"ok...well I guess I can't stop you since you're adults. I will support it but it better not change the way we work!"
"It won't"

Corbyn says confidently.

" have my blessing, as long as you take good care of my daughter"
"yes of course"
"but i'm still your boss!"
"yes sir"
"don't need to call me sir, you've been part of the company for years and you're with my daughter now so...y/d/n it is"
"thank you"

My mom smiled clapping her hands together excitedly, we chuckled and got up. We followed them to the dining table, I took Corbyn's hand shaking it, he chuckled kissing my temple.


From that day on, my dad has been very supportive of us, he even let me move in with Corbyn a few months later. My dad admitted we were a cute couple even mentioning the words 'couple goals' which we both found hilarious.

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