corbyn 🌌 anything for you

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I was sat in class tapping my pencil on my notebook looking out the window, you could say I was lost in my thoughts.

"Miss y/l/n"

I looked up at Mr. Besson, yeah Besson, yeah I know him, yeah he's my boyfriend. I'm 22 and he's 27 so it's fine.

"please pay attention"

I sat up straighter and nodded, he looked at me for a second before continuing his lesson. After an hour the lesson was finally done, don't get me wrong I love him and his class but I'm really not feeling great rightnow.

I packed up my things as people left, I stood up and walked over to the door.


I looked over at Corbyn and walked to his desk.

"what's wrong?"
"i'm tired I wanna go take a nap, see you later"
"ok, see you later"

I walked out and went to my car, I went to get some food and drove home. Yeah usually college kids live with roommates or in dorms but i'm lucky enough to have moved in with Corbyn.

I changed the sheets and got in bed. I started watching tv but eventually fell asleep.

Corbyn p.o.v.

I finally got home after a long day, on my way home I got some things for y/n since she wasn't feeling great. I walked into our bedroom and saw y/n sleeping peacefully. I smiled walking over, I kissed her head and got changed into sweatpants and a hoodie.

I sat next to her in bed and did some work as I waited for her to wake up. Eventually she woke up and turned to me while rubbing her eyes.

"hi, how long have I been sleeping?"
"I'm not sure but I've been here for about thirty minutes"

she nodded as she sat up, she leaned into me as I put my arm around her. I turned my head and kissed her.

"Did you listen at all today?"
"I did but I just got really tired"
"it's okay...this looks really good on you"

I said touching the strap of her bralette. She smiled and hugged me.

"thanks love"
"here I bought this for you"

I grabbed the bag and got out the candy.

"Yes! thank you so much!"

She took them and started eating them immediately, I chuckled and handed her a big t-shirt I bought her too. Her eyes went wide and she kissed my cheek.

"I love you, thank you"
"I love you too, it's okay"

she put it on and got up.

"Let's go do the christmas tree!"

I smiled and followed her downstairs. We turned on some music and started decorating the tree. Once we were done I went and put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"who thought three years ago I would date my teacher"
"yeah...and me my student...but you're so much more than that now"
"I love you"
"I love you more"

She turned around and kissed me. We pulled back when we heard a few knocks at the door. I let her go and walked to the door, I opened it and saw a delivery guy.

"hi, Besson?"
"here this is for you, I need your signature"

I signed after he gave me the package and then he left. I closed the door again and looked back to see y/n smiling.

"you know what this is?"

I put it down on the table and opened it, I opened the little felt pouch and saw a watch I had been looking at for over a year now. My jaw dropped and I looked at y/n. She chuckled kissing my cheek.

"merry christmas baby"
"you're fucking kidding me"
"no i'm not"
"y/n...this is too much"
"you've wanted it for a while and I knew it would make you happy"

I shook my head picking her up and squeezing her tight.

"god you're too much"
"anything for you baby"

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