daniel 🌅 happy family

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Request #6

"ok thank you, I'll be home in a few weeks"

Daniel said grabbing all his stuff, he bent down and hugged Aria.

"I'm gonna miss you Daddy"
"I'm certainly gonna miss you more baby, I'll be back don't worry. Have fun with Lizzy, behave!"
"ok perfect"
"I love you"
"love you Dada"

He kissed her cheeks multiple times and stood up opening the door, he looked up and smiled at me.


Daniel was leaving for tour again, when he had to take complete care of Aria when she was one because her mother left he stopped touring for a while to take care of her. I've been babysitting her since she was about two and a half when he started touring again.

She's four now so we're pretty close, This might sound weird but i'm basically her mom, I take care of her for weeks at a time or even just for a night quite often when Daniel has to be at work till late.

He would love to take her with him but he knows he wouldn't be able to handle it.


"what beautiful?"
"can we go swimming!!"
"yeah wanna go put on your bathing suit"

I picked her up and walked to her room, she picked one out and put it on. I did the same going to my suitcase and putting one on. I got everything she needed and went out to the pool. She swam around on a pool noodle giggling, I got my phone out and took some pictures and videos of her and sent them to Daniel.

A few minutes later I got a notification.

"omg so cute, have fun girls! <3 about to take off"
"thank you, have a safe flight!"

I smiled and put my phone away again. Aria swam over and hugged me I chuckled and kissed her head.

"you da best"

I chuckled.

"no you're the best baby"


2 weeks later

Aria and I were out walking around the city, I walked to a little shop and got her some ice cream, I gave it to her and she started eating it.

Later that night she started to feel quite bad, she was in pain, crying.

"baby what's hurting?"
"my tummy"
"you poor thing, what-"

she bent over and threw up in a bucket I had placed there just in case, thank god. I rubbed her back and she cried more.

"it hurts"
"oh god ok cmon let's go"

I picked her up with the bucket and put her in the car and drove to the hospital. I held her in my arms as we walked in. We got taken care of pretty quickly, I sat by her as she got some tests done.

"It's food poising"
"yeah did she have anything special?"
"ice cream maybe, she doesn't usually have any"
"yeah it's surely that, nothing too bad she just needs rest, you need to sign this"
"oh but i'm not her mom"
"oh? well then we need the approval of a parent"
"ok i'm gonna call her dad"

"hey Lizzy what's up?"
"uhm i'm at the doctors with Aria"
"oh? what happened?"
"idk apparently she got food poisoning and they need someone to sign the paper but i'm not her parent so I need your approval"
"ok yeah of course go ahead and sign"
"i'm sorry Daniel"
"don't worry it's not your fault"
"I should've thought about it tho"
"Lizzy I trust you, you couldn't have known"
"ok well uhm I think we're nearly done, gonna head home soon"
"ok good you both can sleep in my room tonight"
"you sure?"
"yeah yeah it's more comfortable"
"ok well see you in a few days"
"yeah...few days...see ya"

I signed the paper before getting some meds and going home. She fell asleep in the car, I picked her up and put her in her pyjamas once we got to her room. I did the same and we went into Daniels room and laid down and trust me it was indeed much comfier. I watched her and waited for her to fall asleep again before I did.

Daniel p.o.v.

I walked into the house and quietly closed the door, I put all m stuff down and walked upstairs. I slowly opened the door to see both of them asleep, I smiled and walked over. I looked down at my two favorite girls, yeah surprise I'm totally in love with Lizzy and that's why I always ask her to take care of Aria.

On the plane ride home I decided I needed to tell her, even if nothing happened, she should know.

I tucked some of her hair behind her ear and kissed her temple. I kissed Aria and went to get changed, I heard shuffling so I looked out to the bed to see Lizzy waking up, I walked over as she opened her eyes, she got startled when she saw me before recognising me.

"omg Daniel, you scared the living hell out of me"

I chuckled

"what are you doing here?"
"came home early for a surprise"

She smiled her perfect smile, I walked over and sat down, she sat up and went to get up.

"where you going?"
"guest bedroom"
"no no stay here"

She laid back down and I got in next to Aria slowly rubbing her back, Lizzy looked at her smiling.

"was she good?"
"yeah perfect, like always"
"i'm happy we've got you"

she blushed

"I'll be gone in the morning, you two can enjoy your time together"
"no stay, I want you to stay"

I took her hand in mine, she looked down blushing even more before looking back up.

"look I gotta tell you that since you've started watching her I've felt something for you and when I leave I know my baby is safe and will have a great time. We both love it when you're here and I...I want you to he here all the time"

She smiled before sitting up and hugging me.

"I love you"
"well then that makes two of us beautiful"

She pulled back chuckling, I touched her cheek and pulled her close before kissing her. finally. We both pulled back smiling.

"I would hug you tight but don't really wanna squish Aria"

she chuckled and kissed me again. We pulled back when Aria moved, we looked down and saw her waking up. She opened her eyes and saw Daniel.

"hi babygirl"

I said hugging her while laying flat on my back, she giggled as I tickled her. I looked over at a smiling Lizzy, I opened my arm and she came closer. I kissed her head and we stayed like that for a while before falling asleep, one happy family.


not even gonna lie this one is cute af

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