jonah 🏞 proud

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I walked downstairs and into kitchen, passing by the office. Jonah, his team and some other people. The door was slightly open, Jonah looked over and shot me a small smile when he saw me. I smiled back went to grab some water. I looked down at my phone, 8pm, I sighed.

Jonah had told me they'd be done and gone by 7pm so we could order food and hang out. We hadn't got to spend much time together lately because he's busy working on music and I work a lot. I wanted to tell him about my pay raise at work because I worked really hard for it and I was hoping he would be proud of me.

I waited for a while trying to see if they're were rounding up. After about thirty minutes I sighed and just went back upstairs. I got in bed and watched some tv for a while before getting sick of it and going to bed, only leaving on the fairy lights.

Jonah p.o.v.

I saw the sun setting making me sigh, I'd promised y/n we'd hangout tonight but this meeting came up and it was really important. It was finally done after several hours, I walked them to the door and sighed loudly once they were gone.

I jogged up the stairs and opened our bedroom door just to see her in bed already. I felt absolutely horrible. I go on the bed and rubbed her arm.

"hey baby i'm so sorry I didn't think it would last that long"

she whispered not moving

"baby can we talk, I hate seeing you sad or mad especially if it's because of me"

she turned around to face me and sat up a bit.

"i'm really sorry, I didn't think the meeting would go on for so long. I know I haven't been keeping my promises recently and i'm an ass for doing so. I promise, and this time I will keep it because you're the single thing I care for the most, we'll go out tomorrow and i'll be a lot more present"

she leaned closer and hugged me, I hugged her back and rubbed her head.

"thank you for apologising, you're not an ass. I understand your job takes up most of your time, I knew that when I started dating mister superstar"

she said making me smile

"I know but I haven't been setting clear boundaries and I will now"

she nodded and kissed me

"you said you wanted to tell me something earlier"
"oh yeah um I got a pay raise"

I lifted my eyebrows

"that's amazing! Congratulations baby, you're such a boss"

I said hugging her tight and kissed her.

"Im so proud of you"
"thank you"

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora