daniel 🌅 public

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New story called "Mommy?" is out now :)

"are you excited to see Daniel tonight?"

the interviewer asked me. I'm a singer and i'm currently doing a red carpet. I smiled at his question.

"yeah i'm happy to see all of them again, we haven't seen each other in a while. They've been busy touring the world, working on music, i'm very happy for them"

The interview quickly finished and my manager lead me off the carpet. I went into a room and changed into another dress, I was getting my hair and makeup retouched when the door opened. I looked over and saw Daniel.

"hi babe"

he said walking over and kissed me, I took his hand and he sat next to me.

"hi how was the carpet?"
"it's was nothing special, got asked about you though"
"yeah me too"

we both chuckled

"ok y/n you're done"
"okay thanks"

I stood up and hugged Daniel putting my head on his chest. My manager walked in.

"y/n you gotta go"
"give us a minute"

she nodded and closed the door, Daniel looked down at me kissing my head.

"you okay?"
"yeah, i'm just tired"
"you poor thing, we'll be home soon enough, just us two, no managers, no cameras, no fans"
"god, that's all I want"
"me too, trust me"

I pulled back and kissed him, he took my hand and we walked to the door.

"see you later, have fun out there, love you"

he said and kissed me again

"love you more"


I could finally go home, it ended up being quite the nightmare. Some guy said some stupid things about me which made me feel pretty bad but it didn't help that another person tried to get on to me quite aggressively. Usually Daniel or one of the guys were around to help me if I needed it but they weren't at the after party.

I got dropped of by my assistant and walked into my house. I sighed and put my jacket away, I rubbed my eyes and realized I had tears on my face, I was just overwhelmed with emotions and also very tired.

I grabbed all of the pins out of my hair and finally let it down. I was kind of shaking, I took a deep breath and before I could breathe out I felt arms wrap around me.

"baby what's wrong?"

I let myself fall into his arms and he caught me quickly.

"woah woah woah, baby are you okay?"
"I'm so exhausted"

He picked me up and carried me up to our room, he laid me down on the bed and took of my shoes and jewellery. He grabbed a makeup wipe and took my makeup off. I was crying at this point.

He hugged me pulling my head into the crook of his neck and my legs on his lap. He rubbed my arm and tried to calm me down.

"shh it's okay, you're home, it's just us two"
"d-did you hear what-what they said?"
"yes, I'm fuming, I wanted to do something right away but you were already getting home. I wanted to say something on social media but I didn't think you'd want me to do that"

I slowly calmed down, I was holding his shirt in my hand so once I calmed down I let it go. Daniel wiped my tears off. He stayed there rubbing up and down my back for a bit before he got up and got my sweatpants and his hoodie.

I got changed and joined Daniel again, needing to be in his arms. I laid down on him and hugged him, he chuckled and hugged me.

"poor thing, what's on your mind?"
"I don't know Daniel, It's just...I love you so much but acting like we're just friends and seeing other women think that they can flirt with you because everyone thinks you're single"
"baby I love you, I know, i hate it too. If you want to make it public then we can we just need to know that people will be in our business all the time"
"I mean they already are"
"yeah...whatever you beautiful"

I smiled slightly and kissed him, he squeezed me in his arms and we both chuckled. A few days later after some more talking and really considering it we decided to that we would.

I was scared but I had never felt so relieved, I wasn't scared to be photographed in public with him anymore and hiding our every move. Some people were being mean of course but for the most part people were nice and supportive. I couldn't be happier.

New story called "Mommy?" is out now :)

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now