corbyn 🌌 feel better

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I was laying on the couch outside watching the evening clouds moving along the sky. I quickly took a picture of the pretty vue and put my phone down again.

I heard the back door slide open and Jonah and Jack walking out. We said hi before they walked over to the shed and took a football out and played for a bit with every second throw hitting Zach in the face.

I chuckled before jumping up as I felt hands on my shoulders, I turned around and saw Corbyn.

"oh hi"
"hey, you feel any better?"
"still hurts a bit but it's fine"

I had recently broken my foot from falling off a rock while hiking. I had a boot on so I could barely walk and when I tried it was very painful. He took my hands and helped me up, my face scrunched up since I had been laying there for a long time.

"you ok?"
"wait a second"

He looked at me, waiting for me to give him any sign I could move. After about thirty seconds he picked me up and carried my to my room. He put me down holding my leg up making sure my foot didn't touch the floor.

"thank you Corbyn"
"of course"

We smiled before realising our awkward position. I had my hand touching his neck and his hand was under my thigh.

"oh uhm sorry"

He stuttered before letting me go, I pulled my hand back. We smiled awkwardly.

"sorry I should've asked before"
"no don't worry Corb"
"so you need me to do anything?"
"um I think i'm good"
"kay text me if you need anything"

I nodded and he walked to the door and walked away. My feeling towards Corbyn are mixed, well actually they aren't, they have been since we met but recently I've just stooped trying to convince myself that I don't have feelings for him.
Every time I see him my breath gets caught in my throat, he's so gorgeous and is always there to help or just to hang out.

I spent the rest of the evening doing schoolwork before I decided to get changed. I tried to get up but couldn't, I sat back down and sighed. I really didn't wanna bother them but also didn't wanna sleep in these uncomfortable clothes.

"hey Corb are you doing anything rn?"

I texted him. One minute later the door opened and he walked in.

"why'd you need me?"
"oh ok"

He chuckled.

"yeah I wanted to make sure you were okay"
"can you help me get to my bathroom"

He took my hands and pulled me up slowly, I balanced on my other leg and did little jumps.

"let me carry you"
"I don't wanna disturb-"

He pulled me up making me wrap my legs around his waist. Oh god. He carried me to the bathroom and looked at me.


He opened the closet door and walked in before putting me down. He kept his hands on my waist.

"this is gonna be weird but can you help me get...uhm"
"y-yeah, i'm sorry I don't wanna make you uncomfortable"
"no no, I won't look I promise"

I turned around and grabbed a t-shirt I sleep in. He held my waist as I took my shirt off and put the other one on, he pulled it down and straightened it out. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down until I got to my calves. He bent down and pulled them over my boot and foot. He took some sweatpants and pulled them up all the way.

"thank you"

I whispered, he kissed my cheek quickly.

"all good, want me to take you back"
"I wanna try walking"

He still held my hands as I walked back into my room slowly.

"perfect, you're doing great"

He whispered rubbing my waist, I smiled to myself and sat down on the bed, I laid back and sighed as Corbyn smiled.

"you ok?"

He rubbed my knee, I nodded and laid down. He put the covers over me.

"thank you"
"of course"
"hey Corb"

I patted the bed next to me, he smiled and laid down next to me, we smiled and talked for a while. I leaned closer and laid closer to him, he looked down and rubbed my head and kissed it. We hugged each other and cuddled for a bit.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No, you know I don't Corb"

We both chuckled.

"well If you want to I will gladly take that spot"

I looked at him shocked.


I smiled bright before kissing him, he kissed back as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"took you long enough"

I said and we both laughed.

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