daniel 🌅 forever

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I said looking down at the test in my hands. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I'm fucking pregnant. Shit. I started crying, I've always wanted to have a baby but i'm so young and it wasn't planned at all. I grabbed my phone and called my sister.

"hey girl-what's wrong? are you crying?"
"y/s/n i'm pregnant"
"you're what now?!"
"i'm pregnant!"
"what?! who? when?"
"...don't tell anyone, Daniel, like a month ago"
"Daniel as in your best friend Daniel?"
"y'all fucked?!"
"it wasn't meant to happen we were drunk and caught up in the moment"
"did you talk to him after?"
"we just said we'd ignore it and forget about it"
"oh...well you need to tell him"
"I don't know if I wanna keep it"
"what?! you've always wanted to have a baby"
"yeah but i'm only 21 and I want my baby to have a dad"
"y/n you know Daniel, he will be there for that kid, even I know that"
"you think so?"
"yes y/n. Daniel loves you it's obvious and he would never hurt you and especially not his own damn child"
"tell him to come over and tell him"
"thanks...I guess"
"he any good in bed?"
"oh my god shut up!"

I hung up and laid back on my bed, I placed my hand on my abdomen.


I whispered smiling softly, I grabbed my phone and called Daniel.

"hey what's up?"
"hi can you come over?"
"you of course you okay?"



he said hugging me

"hi I need to tell you something"

I took his hand and went up to my room. I told him to sit on my bed, he did so and I sat next to him.

"so uhm you remember last month when we you know-uhm"
"yeah yeah"
"ok...uh...don't freak out. i'm pregnant"

he was taken back, he opened his eyes wider.

"you're pregnant? like actually?"

I nodded, I got up and grabbed the test from the dresser. He looked at it for a while.

"is it mine?"
"of course I don't sleep around with everyone i'm not a-"
"yeah yeah sorry I know you're not...this is...wow uhm-"
"i'm keeping it, I would love for my baby to have their dad in their life but if you don't want to...that's okay I guess"
"no of course I'm gonna be there for you and this baby. I know the consequences of my actions, look I'll give you anything you need-"
"I just want you to be there"
"i'm here, i'm here and I will never leave"

I hugged him, he held me close to him.

"I love you, I always have. I will love this baby with everything I have. I want to be there for you aswell"
"I love you too"

I pulled my head back making us stare at each other. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him, he kissed me back lovingly. This is what I want my life to be, him and I and our baby. We pulled back, he kissed my cheek and neck before leaning his head i to the crook of my neck.

"we're having a baby"

he whispered making me laugh.

"can we upgrade from best friends?"

I asked, he pulled back and nodded before kissing me. We laid down and talked more about everything.

"i'm so happy"

he whispered, I smiled and took his hand. He rubbed my hand.

"you okay?"
"yeah just nervous"
"no reason to be nervous, i'm here and if anything happens I will be there, for you for baby, forever"

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now