daniel 🌅 future

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Daniel p.o.v.

"hi Dad"

Nora said getting into the car after a long day of school. Nora is my 14 year old daughter.

"how was school? did you meet anyone new?"
"it was okay, yeah this girl in my math class who sits next to me ate lunch with me"
"that's great, i'm happy you're settling in well"

We only recently moved to Seattle from Los Angeles. y/n and I met in L.A. almost 17 years ago now, that's crazy. We've always loved Seattle and knew we wanted to leave California at some point and we wanted to do so before Nora started high school. God, my baby's gonna be a highschooler soon, It seems like yesterday y/n told me she was pregnant.

I put my hand on her head rubbing it gently, she smiled at me and scrolled through her phone.

"do you know what we're having for dinner tonight?"
"Mom got stuff to make sushi"
"omg yes!"

I smiled and turned the music on, Nora connected her phone, after a few songs I heard some familiar lyrics.

"you a why don't we fan huh?"
"yeah they're really cool"
"you ever met any of them?"
"yeah I have actually"

we both laughed, the next song was 8 letters, I haven't listened to it in ages. We both sang along.

"this song is about mom you know"
"aw cute"

We got home soon after, the song was stuck in my head so I continued singing it under my breath. We went inside, Nora said hi to y/n before going up to her room. She looked over at me, I sang picking her up twirling her around.

"isn't it amazing, how almost every line on our hands align"

I said putting her down and taking her hands.

"When your hand's in mine, it's like i'm whole again. Isn't that a sign, I should speak my mind"

She chuckled kissing me

"ugh what a time"
"mm I love you"

I said kissing her again

"haha very funny I love you too"


We ended up spending an hour making sushi rolls while listening to my old songs.

"yes Nor"
"you ever miss being in a band and the guys?"
"damn, yeah I do miss the guys I mean we were with each other almost constantly for years (I don't wanna make a prediction smh) It was really fun, I made amazing memories and got to travel the world, make music, everything I loved. Life went on, we all got older and went our different ways with our families. I wouldn't say I miss it on a daily because it was really exhausting but it was really fun"
"you regret doing it?"
"absolutely not, my life wouldn't even be close to what I have now, wouldn't have met mom, wouldn't have had you, you wouldn't have a really cool, talented and handsome dad"
"ok stop"

we all laughed, I saw y/n blushing, I went over attacking her face with kisses.

"ewww no!"

y/n laughed kissing me. We finished making food and enjoyed it on the porch outside while watching tv.

"i'm gonna go do some homework and go to bed, night"
"goodnight, love you"

we cuddled her into us tightly, she chuckled running away

"love you too"

y/n smiled watching our daughter run up to her room. I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, she looked at me all smiley.

"i'm so happy"
"me too, I have the best life"
"no I do"

I rolled my eyes over exaggerated, she chuckled kissing me again.

"favorite why don't we song cmon"
"oh god there's so many...uhm...maybe 8 letters or don't change, but I love them all"
"you're cute"

We spent the rest of the night hanging out talking, listening to music, watching tv. I love my life and couldn't have imagined it if you told me 17 years ago I would meet an amazing woman and later on have my daughter with her but I'm so grateful to have them.

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now