jack 🎆 another one

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Today has been a beautiful day, mine and Jacks wedding. The ceremony and reception was literally perfect. It was around midnight and most people had already left. I was sat at our table looking around at the venue in the dark, it was beautiful.

I felt a hand on mine, I looked over and saw Jack smiling at me.

"you okay?"

I smiled and nodded

"i've rarely been better"

he leaned closer and we kissed softly, he pulled back and rubbed my hand.

"you wanna go talk a little walk?"

We stood up, he took my hand and kissed it. I had changed earlier in the night into a jumpsuit/romper and he had taken his suit jacket off. I quickly stopped and took my heels off, I left them there knowing I'd get them back later.

We walked for a few minutes, talking about the day. We got to the little rock to get to the beach. He jumped down and took my hand, helping me down. I smiled and kissed him, he gladly kissed back holding me close to him.

"can't believe today happened, you're my wife, I've wished this would happen since we met"
"I love you"
"I love you more"

we laughed and he kissed me again before taking his shoes off. I took his hand and ran to the water. I put my feet in and jumped when I realized it was freezing. He laughed and picked me up. After we both calmed down we decided to sit down and watch the sea.

I was sat in his lap as we looked around the beautiful beach. He took me hand and kissed my cheek.

"Never been so in love"
"jack baby you're too precious"
"I promise to keep you safe and be there for you even when you don't need me"
"I promise to give you everything you'd ever want and need and be there for you"

He squeezed me into him and kissed me passionately.

"you ready to go back?"

I said standing up, we walked back to the venue and said bye to the last few people before going up to our room.

I got changed and laid in bed, Jack soon joined me. He hugged me and kissed my temple, I turned my head, leaning my head against his neck. He put his arm around me and put his free hand on my abdomen.

"how's baby doing"
"pretty good, I was scared people would see, I just don't wanna tell people yet"
"yeah I understand, I mean I got asked about it"

I chuckled

"yeah they asked if it was in our plans and such"
"what'd you say?"
"I said that we'd talked bout it yeah"

I kissed his cheek

"thank you love"
"of course, can't wait for our little family to grow bigger"

he said before kissing my small bump.


Today Jack and I are celebrating our one year marriage anniversary. But it's not just us too, we also have our little son now. He's only a few months old but he's already the best little guy on earth. I was carrying him on my chest as we walked down a little path near our house.

Jack put his arm around me and kissed my cheek, I smiled and turned to him. He looked down at our sleeping baby.

"cutest thing on earth"
"here you wanna carry him"

I handed him to Jack, trying my best not to wake him up. Jack smiled and kissed his head and we continued walking. When we got back home, I opened the door and he went into the living room. As I closed the door I heard him crying.

I walked into the living room and saw Jack trying to calm him down. He looked up at me.

"it's okay, you can do it"

I whispered, he nodded and rubbed his back and kissed his head while talking to him gently. He finally calmed down and fell asleep again, he looked back at me. I smiled and hugged him.

"see, he calmed down"

I said and kissed his cheek. Our little family is perfect and I love it so much.

"I already want another one"

I said and we both laughed.

Why Don't We Imagines {Book 2}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora