jack 🎆 special

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I was sitting on the couch in the living room, working away on my laptop while the guys chatted around me. I was focused on my work when the door opened, Jack and Corbyn walked in and gave everyone their orders.

Jack turned to me and reached the bag out to me, I looked up and smiled taking it.

"thank you"

He smiled and sat down next to me, I put the food next to me and continued working.

Jack p.o.v.

We were all chilling on the couch while y/n was working on a school project. I wanted to hang out with her but she was quite busy. She stood up with her laptop and left not saying anything. I looked up, my eyes following her and turned back to the guys that were all looking at me.

"you ever going to tell her?"
"tell her what?"
"gosh...that you like her, idiot"
"who said I do?"

they shook their heads and laughed

"cmon man, you guys are friends go up and hang out with her and bring it up"
"yeah totally"
"no actually go!"
"ugh hate you guys, If this goes wrong you guys are dead"

I stood up grabbing her food and walked to the kitchen. I quickly heated it up again and filled up her water bottle. I walked upstairs and nocked on her door.

"come in"

I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed still on her laptop, she looked up and saw me. I sat down on her bed and pushed the food closer to her with the bottle.

"thanks Jack"
"it's nothing, what you working on?"
"photography class project"
"when's it due?"
"two weeks"
"take a break, you work hard enough already"

she smiled softly and put her laptop down, she ate as we hung out and talked about random things that came up. She pushed the french fries towards me.

"thank you for hanging out with me"
"of course, you're fun"
"I mean-no not like that, you're great-uhm beautiful-I uhm"

she chuckled

"you're cute Jack"

my heart fluttered, I smiled and shook my head

"am not, you are"
"bla bla bla"
"don't bla bla me"

she laughed grabbing onto my leg before sitting up straight again, my heart fluttered again, wtf man.

We continued talking into the night, going from arguing about silly things to talking about our past or our future life.

She looked at the time, he leaned on my shoulder and yawned, I smiled and put my arms around her pulling her closer to me, she hugged me back. I rubbed her upper back gently before placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.

She looked up at me and that's when I realised how close we were to each other, I'm talking inches. We both froze while staring into each others eyes and that, my friends, is the moment I fell even more in love with y/n y/l/n.

She placed her hand on my cheek and we both leaned closer and closed the gap in between us. It was perfect, I had waited and dreamed about this moment for months and it finally happened. We pulled back and slowly opened our eyes again, she smiled playing with a piece of my hair. I smiled and pushed her down making me hover over her, we both chuckled as she put her arms around my neck.

"you're so beautiful"
"Jack, you make me feel so special"
"because you are babe, you really are"

I whispered and kissed her again, I could feel her smile against my lips.

That night was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

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