Her body was leaning against the wall, right next to the changing room. She patiently waited for her friends to come out with their new fits and model for the girl. Her eyes were glued on the entrance, ready to run if she sensed any suspicious behaviour.

Hyerin exited the changing rooms and began doing silly poses in front of Jiyeon, a small smile creeping on her lips.

"I don't know how to feel about this like I love it but then I don't" She began to rant on, distracting Jiyeon on the thought of the gang.

"Don't be obvious but a good looking man is not far behind you" Jiyeon rolled her eyes at Hyerin playfully before turning around, eyes slightly widening when she immediately recognised the male.

The girl turned body back around quickly, praying to the ones above that he didn't spot her.

What is he even doing in this store?

"Target insight" she overheard the male she presumed was WinWin say.

She let out an audible gulp as her other friend, Eunae, exited the changing room, she was ready to show off her outfit but was cut off by Jiyeon throwing an outfit at her, along with a hat and mask.

"Please be a darling and buy this, meet me in the restroom right next to your favourite fast food restaurant" she rapped out and left the building from the other exit.

"Target on the loose, block all exits and entries at the eastern side of the mall" WinWin spoke into his earpiece before running after the girl.


Jiyeon was far ahead of the male, people gave suspicious looks to one another once seeing a running girl and a few males running after her.

"Stop running, you are causing suspicion between bystanders,"

Jiyeon was inside the restroom in seconds, panting as her back was pressed against the door, she leaned her head back and wiped the sweat that was forming.

A few minutes had passed and her two friends entered, rushing to the girl when they saw her.

"Jiyeon?? What happened? why did you run so quickly?"They threw questions at her which she knew she couldn't answer.

"Erm... I felt sick" she lied poorly, their eyebrows raised.

"And what's with the clothing?"

"I liked it...?"

"Your fashion taste is horrible, I fixed the outfit"


She was out the mall, walking down the pavement, her hands were in the large hoodie, the hood was up above her cap which covered her eyes, a mask covered the bottom half of her face.

"Target found, behind the mall, near the convenient store" a voice not far from where she is stated. "She has turned to the left street, most likely making her way home"

"Pedestrians are surrounding that block, do not attract attention to yourself or one another. I am not planning another prison break." Another voice spoke into the earpiece which belonged to Ten.

"Remember, no harm must be done. She shall be brought back in one piece, force may be used if necessary" Kun reminded the others.

The male who was following her, Hendery, increased his speed once realising she had too, Jiyeon felt a present not far from her, following her move, her gut felt that it was one of the seven men who was following.

She turned to the next street and focused on the footsteps when noticing the person too had turned she began running.

"Shit! Target on the run!"

Distance and speed were all that mattered right now. Jiyeon wasn't going to stop to catch her breath and sure as hell wasn't surrendering. She escaped from them once and can do it again.

A few more footsteps were heard and she had increased her speed, she could feel her heart throbbing inside her chest as sweat rolled down in thick salty beads. Her body was warming up quickly and she felt exhaustion come over her. She focused on her breathing as she once again increased her running.

Her lungs felt like they will burst any second and throat was drier than a desert.

She turned the street into an alleyway, pushing over any bins she sees to slow them down. She ran out of the alley from the opposite end and carried on running not caring if they got slowed down.

Seeing another alleyway, she ran in there to try and catch her breath, her hands were on her knees, slightly bending as she sucked in deep breaths.

"Fancy seeing your here"

"Fancy seeing your here"

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