And if it's those two fools. I have many eyes on them. They must have someone else doing everything for them. I even checked the lackey Terb's computer and other devices to see if he's been in contact with anyone. I had people follow him to his home, his partnered own restaurant.

Even to his parents home. But it was all clear from what reports that are sent to me. So what I come to believe that there is someone out there trying to foil my plans.

But they had another thing coming. If they think that I'm just going to lay down like some dog. I've planned long, hard for this day.

The company will be mine. I'm more deserving. When those two are vacationing, not really caring about the family business. I still didn't understand why that old bastard had a will such as that one.

I saw the original. It hadn't named Chan the beneficiary of almost everything.

I know I could take it to the courts. But that could take months or even years. I didn't have time for that. I wanted what was mine, now.


( Scrolling through the new employees list )

I've found a few good candidates that looked up to par. I'll give them some attention, they'll give something in return.

I was getting tired the other two. I just had to keep them quiet with a gift or two then let them go. I couldn't stand being with whiny females more than a month.

Whoever thinks being tied to one for life are idiots. When it's so many women out there for the taking.

I then looked at the computer screen, chose another two. I just hoped they weren't the whiny little bitch type.

Because if they'd become clingy. They will be tossed.

Leaning back in my chair, I thought of that woman. I think Sierra was her name. I couldn't wait to see her face to face. Because if I knew Chan.

He wouldn't be letting her go anytime soon. I did my research, they have some sort of entanglement. So he isn't the goody two shoes that he's calmed to be.

We have more in common than I knew. But what he doesn't know. Is that she can be taken away.

At any time of my choosing.


Sierra pov~

I woke up to an rapid heartbeat. I felt scared for some reason. So I then calmed myself by thinking that it probably because I poured out all my worries to Javon last night.

I never even told anyone about it before. Not even my therapist which I see once a month. Because I was doing better she assumed but I was seriously hiding things. I needed to be more upfront about things in my life.

I know I shouldn't be this way. But it's hard to put my feelings out there for other people to judge. I've told my mother some things, of course Javon. She knows more than my parents, friends do.

I really should figure out how to tell my mother these things. Because we've become more close over these past years since Aya was born.

And I really should apologize to all of my important family members.


After showering, getting dressed for work. I went to see if Aya was awake, she wasn't in her room. So I went downstairs.

That's when I smelled the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast food. And I kept walking forward, opened the kitchen door.

" Good morning everyone, " I said smiling trying to put on brave face.

And all three responded with the same greeting back.

I then took a deep breath, exhaled before saying...

" I'm sorry about yesterday. And after work I need to talk to you two, " I told them, grabbed a piece of toast, spread some jelly on it.

I kissed Aya, left for work.

Thanks for the 77k reads 😊

A three part pov this time.

Everybody stay safe, wear a mask, social distance. Please wash your hands. # CHADWICKFOREVER


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