Ch 76 - The Cure

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I used real medical info for this that I learned from college, but the procedure I talked about is MADE UP. Please do not consider any of what is written in this book as real medical advice. I am not a doctor—yet. Obviously the Flare is fictional, allowing me to get creative with this, so just keep that in mind.

Thanks ;)



She couldn't even pay attention to anyone else in Vince's car with her.

The dark of the night wasn't much help either. She was in the very back, holding Newt on her lap as he lay unconscious. He could wake up anytime, especially with the constant bumps of the road on their way back to the berg.

She didn't know if when he woke up, he was going to react the same way before he was hit, or if he was going to be able to calm down like before. It was all undiscovered territory at that point.

She overheard Minho, Thomas, and Rachel vehemently talking to Rebecca about Newt. Chuck was quietly sitting in the back seat just in front of Sara and Newt, and he was awfully quiet. Sara felt guilty for putting him under so much stress lately, and it hardly ever seemed to stop.

"What are we gonna do about him?" asked Thomas with urgency.

"Vince and I talked about this," Rebecca replied. "There might be something we can do." Sara perked up at her words immediately. When did they decide that? Rebecca definitely wasn't referring to Sara's decision with that.

"No," Minho snapped, and Thomas turned to him a bit shocked. But Minho kept shaking his head, giving Sara a quick glance. "You're not gonna save Newt by killing her. If you're gonna try something, Rebecca, it'd better be granted they both live. Or else forget it."

"What are you talking about?" asked Thomas, raising his voice.

"No, I'm not doing that," said Rebecca with resolve, then she looked at Thomas. "Janson has WICKED looking after all of you Immunes, but he knows only seven kids actually had the cure in their DNA, and Sara's the only one left. The cure works, but it comes with a price WICKED had no problem paying, and now Janson is going insane trying to get Sara back."

"So why the trials—why the actual shuck did I build a Maze with them in the first place?" Thomas was angry, and he looked at Sara as if it hurt that she never mentioned any of that to him, and the fact that Minho did know. Rachel was silent, but she was just as stunned.

"Because there's no more hope left," said Rebecca, an irritated look taking over. "Sara's the only one left, and not even all of WICKED knows about her DNA. They're still in debt with the world, and they think they can form an alternative cure with all of you Immunes. Sick bastards," she finally muttered with disgust.

"So, what now?" asked Minho, demanding and answer.

"We found a method," Rebecca replied. "But it's never been done before, and there's a risk that they both might die."

"No!" shouted Sara immediately. "The method we know will guarantee Newt's life, so no other option is negotiable. I'll die with either procedure, okay?" Her voice cracked. "But if he lives with one, then that's what we're doing. End of discussion."

Minho glared at her. "You're being selfish. You think you're doing a great sacrifice for him, but you're doing it without his consent. He's never gonna let you put yourself at risk, so either you both die, or you both live."

Hope for Us (NEWT) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz