Ch 5 - Sneaking Out

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Once again, she found herself attempting to eavesdrop a conversation between Janson and Ava Paige. That woman never seemed to leave the facility anymore because of how often she came to supervise Janson's work.

And once again, Sara couldn't gather any important information, not even after a week's worth of time watching them closely. Another week of nothing making any sense.

The girl didn't have the resources she needed in order to get her questions answered, and she felt like her life was slipping in between her fingers even though she was so young.

She realized with horror that her life in headquarters was a waste of time. Even when she'd asked Janson to let her watch him work; he'd turn her down. He always gave her the same excuse—that she wasn't ready yet.

Ready for what? she searched her mind, trying to figure it out.

Her concentration was interrupted by a light tap on her shoulder. She barely had enough time to whip her head around and register who it was before he grabbed her by the arm.

They rushed out the second exit across from the room.

Sara yelped in pain as he unyieldingly gripped her arm. They scurried among the other kids, escaping through the commotion of the visit and the doctors running more tests on other kids.

The guards were distracted, more preoccupied with Janson and Paige's safety, and no one saw the two kids disappear. They hid under a nearby office desk, panting for a few seconds to catch their breath.

Once they were breathing normally again, Sara glared at him as she rubbed her arm profusely.

"What's your problem? You're always staring at me like a creep, and now you're kidnapping me? I don't even know you, kiddo," she whispered vehemently.

"Shhh!" He pointed a finger to his own lips. "You're gonna give us away," he warned in a softer whisper.



Newt clamped her mouth with the palm of his hand before she could protest any longer. She let out a muffled groan. Having no other alternative, she forced her mouth open against the pressure of his hand and bit him. Hard.

He released her abruptly, inhaling deeply as he was about to cry out in pain. Before he could, Sara clamped his mouth shut with her own hand. She smiled victoriously at him as he only scowled at her. He was stronger than she was, so it wasn't very difficult for him to yank her hand away from his mouth, much to her dismay.

"What are you—five?" he whispered harshly as he repeatedly flicked the hand she bit.

Sara snorted. "No, but you look like you might be."

It was more than obvious he didn't appreciate the joke regarding his awfully younger appearance despite his age.

"Look, this isn't a joke," he continued with that peculiar accent that fascinated her. "Do you have any idea of what's even going on around you?"

Sara's expression darkened and she stared back at the young boy with confusion.

"What do you mean?" she asked, slightly offended.

"You're their favorite," he said rather quickly. "You get your own room, exclusive treatment, and you can almost do whatever you want. You even get your own personal nanny to spoil you." His features morphed into a mocking gesture. "Of course you haven't noticed anything strange. Because you're practically living like a bloody princess." He scoffed.

She gasped, extremely offended this time.

"Now wait a sec—"

"Just listen," he interrupted. "Me and my friends think they're lying to us. They don't ever answer our questions, and they keep doing tests on us for some reason. We don't know what they really want with us, but it feels very suspicious," he continued, "but—oh right—what do you know?" He said with a condescending edge to his voice.

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