Ch 41 - Losing Everyone

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"Thomas," Sara called him as she saw him walking near the north opening of the walls. The Gladers were looking at each other in a panic as they gathered near the doors. "Thomas!"

He finally turned his head toward her and approached her in a jog. "Yeah?"

"What the shuck is going on?" Sara asked, looking around frantically.

He took his eyes away from her and looked over at Newt for a moment. Sara also took a look and saw him pacing back and forth in front of the Maze.

"Talk! For shuck's sake, you're making me nervous!" Sara shouted at Thomas, gripping the bars.

For Thomas to look so worried, it meant seriously bad news. "It's Alby and Minho. They're in the Maze checking out the dead Griever Minho found yesterday."

"And they're not back yet?" she asked in a frenzy, feeling a massive headache coming. "Aren't the doors about to close?"

"Why do you think Newt's so stressed out," he answered matter-of-factly.

The days of peace were over. Literally every day since Thomas came, something had gone out of the ordinary. Yesterday, Minho found a dead Griever, and then Ben was banished during closing time. Sara heard about what he did to Thomas, and it saddened her that people had to get banished for things they couldn't really control.

Thomas was terrified during the whole banishment. He stayed with Sara, right next to the slammer during the whole thing. And she knew he was feeling the weight of everyone's blame on him for everything that had gone wrong so far. She'd already had her share of that weight.

But he and Teresa did have direct affiliations with WICKED, unlike Sara. It didn't surprise her that the boys who'd gone through the Changing saw what Thomas and Teresa had done. She was sure WICKED fed both of them the whole 'the end justifies the means' klunk, so Sara wouldn't go as far as being angry at them. They probably didn't even remember any of it.

"Can you please tell Newt to come talk to me?" Sara asked Thomas.

Thomas hesitated, but he nodded either way. "I'll try. He's nervous though. I tried talking to him before, but he just keeps yelling at me, saying that I don't know what I'm talking about."

"Well, for starters, you're still a Greenie—sort of. And second, you're not the one who was dating him. Go get him, please," she told him as kindly as she could.

Thomas glared at her for a second, then reluctantly trudged over to Newt.

Sara didn't know if Newt would want to talk to her. She'd noticed him trying to approach her in the last day or two, but he always changed his mind.

Then she thought about Minho and Alby. They couldn't die out there. She'd never be able to live with the fact that she couldn't save two of the people that really mattered to her in the Glade; people that also greatly mattered to Newt. She knew this was tearing Newt apart, and girlfriend or not, she was still willing to make sure he was okay.

"Sara," he called to her. She hadn't noticed him coming as she spaced out. His voice was hoarse, which meant he'd probably been crying.

Sara slowly stared up at him and softly gasped as she took in his appearance. His hair was disheveled, probably from passing a hand through it so many times out of frustration. His eyes were red and puffy, and he looked exhausted.

She gave him a hopeful smile. "Hey, we're talking about two of the bravest people. Alby and Minho should be here any minute," she said, trying to sound encouraging.

He shook his head doubtfully. "But something's just wrong about the whole bloody thing. It's not just that. The shuck girl is eating less, keeps mumblin' all kinds of weird stuff, and now Alby and Minho—"

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