Ch 42 - Goodbye

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"What?" Newt frowned and stared at her worriedly.

Sara held her hands up, stopping anyone from speaking over her. When that didn't work, Newt stepped in to help. She was now ready to continue after having had spilled the first bit of information. 

"Listen, I'm not telling you this 'cause I want you guys to feel bad for how sucky my life's been," she said. "I'm telling you this to prove that we're on the same boat, alright?" Sara looked around, trying to find some sort of approval in their eyes.

"Yeah." Gally scoffed. "Remind me again how you getting to keep your memories is being 'in the same boat' as us."

Sara sent a scornful look his way. "Not like that, genius. I meant that all of our families suffered a similar fate. We're orphans, guys. I was lied to in very similar ways as you. And I'm here to hopefully clear some of that up—at least—with what I know. This is literally what I came here for, when will you understand that?" Sara shook her head and scanned all the faces again. "WICKED isn't even supposed to know that I'm here. If I were actually meant to be here, I wouldn't have my memories—in fact, I'd be in Maze B with a bunch of other girls."

Complete silence fell upon the Council room. She decided to wait for her rant to sink in for a while, given the severity of what she was sharing.

Newt gave her a worried look. "How were you able to keep this all to yourself?"

Sara looked at Newt, then she shrugged helplessly. She was determined to finish her point, though. "My past is my past; what's ahead of us is much worse."

As soon as the words left her mouth, everyone prepared to listen carefully this time, with the exception of Gally—of course.

"No, if we don't know why you're in this mess, I don't want in." 

"You don't want in anyways!" she snapped at him.

But she knew she was compelled to share the entire tragedy of her family. She finally set her pride aside and began telling the whole story.

"...I found out about my mother and Janson's family through a dream right here in the Glade," she finished.

Tears had started forming during her confession, and now they were pouring down her cheeks.

No one knew what to do except stare at each other awkwardly.

"We didn't know, I'm sorry," said Newt, his eyes full of horror.

"The dreams—let's talk about the dreams," Minho blurted out, giving Sara a small smile as he crossed his arms. "Newt and I had dreams two nights ago. And you said that what we saw were real events, right?"

They all had dreams?

It took her a minute to pull herself together, but she finally did. And she sent a grateful nod in Minho's direction for driving the attention away from what she was saying. He knew how much pain it caused to remember and talk about that.

"Yeah, it must've been real," she said, and everyone looked confused. "They're pretty much memories inserted back to our brains," she confirmed.

"Inserted by who? The creators?" Winston asked.

"Well, no," Sara replied. "By Becca. The woman I've talked about already. She wants us to see the truth; the truth WICKED wants to keep from us."

Frypan suddenly stood up. "I didn't want to say anything at first, but I also had a dream that same night."

"Me too, it was so strange," added Zart.

Soon, every single person in the Council room except for Thomas confessed that they had a dream two nights ago like Newt and Minho. Even Gally said he did. There wasn't a doubt Rebecca was behind this. Maybe it would finally let them see the truth, and Sara wouldn't have to die.

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