Ch 7 - Remember Me When I'm Gone

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Rebecca was a total expert. 

Sara admired the woman for her ability to work with WICKED's technology, which was considered the newest and most effective in the world. Not much was left from other corporations due to the sun flares and the disease itself that wiped out a huge portion of the population.

Rebecca knew exactly when to freeze the cameras using a small, cell phone-like device that was able to break into the security system, without anyone noticing that the images on the cameras had become a still image. She would freeze only the cameras located in areas where she and Sara would most likely transit about.

Sara discovered she indeed had a deep interest in learning about WICKED technology. And the whole 'doing things behind Janson's back' gave her monotonous life a little joy. No matter her uncle's efforts, she could hardly consider WICKED her home.

It wasn't her home; her home was left behind weeks ago. Sara never knew she'd miss Wiseman so much. As a little girl, she always thought that her town was a horrible place in which to live. Now, she missed it dearly.

Another thing Rebecca had started to pick up on was to make Sara train. At least four hours of daily exercise were almost demanded of her, ranging from running on a treadmill, weightlifting, completing obstacle courses, and even yoga. The woman had mentioned it was to strengthen both her body and mind, yet Sara couldn't help but wonder if there was an ulterior motive for the rigorous training. Not to mention, Rebecca was strict about keeping it a secret from Janson.

On a regular basis, with nothing else to do when Rebecca didn't need her or when she wasn't training, Sara spent time with Sonya and a few other girls.

"Where's Harriet?" Sara asked Sonya as they sat for lunch. Her mind still roamed around her conversation with Rebecca that she barely even noticed her friend's absence.

"She's gone since yesterday. They told us it was time for more testing, and they're taking us one by one. I wonder why they never told us earlier. Even Harriet didn't know until right before she actually left," Sonya answered sadly.

"Aw, no... I didn't get to say goodbye." Sara's shoulders slumped. "Do you think we'll ever see her again?"

"I don't know." Sonya seemed deeply upset for her friend, but there was a distinctive discomfort on her features aside from the sadness. She suddenly stared at Sara with curiosity. "So... you also disappeared the other day," she commented, trying to sound casual.

Sara smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, about that—listen... your brother, he literally kidnapped me." She didn't even know how else to put it. That whole wild adventure with Newt that other day was difficult to explain without sounding completely ridiculous.

Sonya scoffed. "Okay, that's really weird. Why would he do that?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "What did he want?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" Sara whispered. The blonde girl nodded eagerly.

"He thinks these people are lying to us. And he thinks I can help them discover what's going on. His friends are also in on it." Sara looked around, making sure none of the adults were listening.

"Why didn't he ask me to join too? Some extra help wouldn't hurt," Sonya complained. "I know he's avoiding me, but I'm his sister!"

Sara couldn't agree more. But she still didn't dare tell Sonya about Newt's reaction when Sara mentioned her to him. Hurting her friend's feelings was the last thing she wanted. Even so, Sara hoped Newt would come to his senses about that matter soon, or she'd just have to let that slip for her friend's sake.

"I think the less people know about this, the better we can keep it a secret, but I only told you because I trust y—"

Sara was interrupted by the sight of Newt, sitting two tables beyond hers, and he was waving his arms to catch her attention. Once he did, he motioned for her to come over.

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