Ch 39 - Chat with Tommy

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Her mind wandered back to the day's previous events, when she told Chuck that Rebecca was a sweet person. This message, however, had anything but 'sweet' written on it.

"So, is this a lovely regard from that one lady you never shut up about?" Minho asked her.

"Yup," she replied, still shocked from Rebecca's sudden intervention.

Newt didn't look too convinced when Sara glanced over at him. "How can we be sure they're not trying to trick us? They could've written it themselves, claiming to be her," he suggested.

Sara pursed her lips and glared at him. "I know her handwriting; I've seen it before. Newt, would you stop being so paranoid?"

"I'm just trying to be reasonable." He raised his hands in defense. "But the handwriting is different on this side of the paper," he admitted.

"Glad to know that skill of yours comes so in handy," Sara muttered to herself, although purposefully loud enough for Newt to hear. And when he did, his expression only saddened.

"Okay, but back to that," said Alby, referring to the paper in Newt's hand. "So, we're supposed to just take ya out of the pit for a chance to leave this place?" he asked Sara. "Hardly seems fair. We can't trust you, and we can't trust that crazy lady."

"But what if we do have a shot?" Minho suggested, catching everyone by surprise. It just wasn't like him to consider other possibilities. "We can't waste the opportunity, ya know? That's just stupid, and you know it," he told Alby.

Sara wasn't sure if Minho really meant it like that or if he was just trying to help her case.

"Enough, Minho. Don't you dare repeat what you said in the Gathering, I'm bloody sick of it," Newt muttered, glaring at him.

"What are you guys even talking about?" Thomas asked, and everyone just looked at him with irritation. They really didn't have time for more inquiry—they only needed answers.

"Slim it, all of you," Sara snapped at them. "I said I know it's her, and we can actually get us out of here."

"But when's that happening? This is just a bloody threat, not a clue to get us out," Newt argued as he waved the paper in front of her.

"Alright, you know what? That's it. Sara, let's go. Back to the pit," Alby said with resolve.

She huffed and began to protest. "What? No, wait—"

Alby held out a hand to stop her. "You already told us what you knew. You're done. Did you forget where you're supposed to be?"

Before Sara could argue against him, Newt gave her an apologetic look and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Sorry."

Thomas tried to step in. "Wait, Newt. You guys can't—"

"Shut your hole, Greenie! You're in the way," said Alby, frowning at him.

Sara angrily shook Newt's hand off her shoulder, and then bid Alby to take her back to the slammer already.

"No, I haven't forgotten," she said to Alby, matter-of-factly. "And if it's not too much to ask for, make a shuck decision about me already, and then you guys go ahead and get the shuck out of this hellhole."

Alby locked the door again after throwing her back inside, and she watched as the three of them walked away from her, pretty much sentencing her to death.

That's how it would all end.

Yet she didn't have a death wish. The sole concept of having to step foot in that dreaded place again made the hairs on her arms stand on edge. Her mind traveled back to her first arrival, when she faced the Grievers. Her heart had never pounded so fast, as if her chest would burst. She could feel it accelerating just by remembering the events that took place on that day.

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