Ch 12 - The Special Greenie

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Sara couldn't move as her limbs felt stiff. She wanted to open her eyes but couldn't, no matter how much she tried or simply wished for it. She felt like she was in a trance. Only flashes of different scenarios were hovering over her head, but she couldn't make out the majority of them.

The image before her suddenly focused on a woman. She was probably in her late thirties or early forties. She had brown hair, only a shade lighter than Sara's. When the woman turned around, Sara couldn't see her face—only a blur. The woman rushed out of a house, and the scene changed.

She was standing before a door. It swung open, and the dark silhouette of a man emerged from the inside. Sara could see how they both entered the somber darkness of the house, and the door slammed shut behind them.

"The streets aren't safe anymore thanks to you," said the woman. Then the disappointment in her voice turned to absolute fury. "You heartless bastard—where's my sister?"

The silhouette stood in silence, seemingly staring back at her. She let out a horrified gasp.

"No..." she whispered. She backed away until she hit another doorknob, and she quickly turned it to enter the room.

Upon laying her eyes on the scene before her, she let out a piercing scream as she scrambled to find the exit. She tried to flee the house, but the man grabbed her by the arm before she could even make it to the front door.

"No! Let me go, please!" she screamed.

The man gritted his teeth. "Only if you give me what I want."

"What do you want? Tell me!" she shouted in panic.

"I want... her," he said, implying she knew exactly what he meant. She shook her head violently.

"You can go to hell then. I'm not doing that," she spat at him. This cost her a stinging blow across the face before he forced her to kneel in front of him.

"In that case..." He pulled out his gun from under his coat and pointed it at her forehead. "You're of no use to me. I'm going to find her either way, and your husband can join you too if he doesn't cooperate," he threatened with an incredibly disturbing tone.

Without another word, he pulled the trigger.


"No!" Sara screamed her lungs out as she sat up abruptly.

Her head was spinning, and her mind struggled to clear up from everything that had happened from the Maze to the nightmare.

"Hey—whoa, whoa, whoa," she heard a boy's gruff voice to her right.

"Take it easy, you almost died out there," she heard a different voice add.

After blinking several times and squinting her eyes, she was able to see who was talking to her. A dark-skinned boy stared back at her, and another boy with curly hair stood beside him.

"Who are you? And where am I?" Sara tried scooting away from them. When she took a good look around, Sara noticed that she was in some kind of hut—poorly built—she realized.

"My name's Jeff, and this shank here is Clint." The dark-skinned boy pointed to the boy next to him. "And you're in the Glade." As Sara tried reading their expressions, she noticed they were skeptical; it was something Rebecca had warned her about.

I've heard about the Glade.

But there they were again... words that she'd never heard before until she saw Newt again. It was like she'd traveled to a different country.

Hope for Us (NEWT) [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें