Yaku Morisuke X Tall!Reader

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Being the poor cousin of Kuroo Tetsuro, you were commonly forced to help them out with their club duties as some kind of stand-in manager of sorts. Luckily the coach didn't mind your presence, and since Kuroo and you lived two seconds away from each other, you were often stuck walking home with him and Kenma.
You watched Lev get his ass beat by Yaku for calling him short, and you tried not to laugh while sticking to your usual, quiet self. You did my best to be nice to everyone - the boys were terrifying - but you managed with Kuroo close by.
Maybe it was good for you, too. You weren't in any clubs. But ever since Kuroo started dragging you to practice and training camps with him and his team, you started to see more of the light, the good side of things.
Volley ball brought you back to life, in a sense. It made you excited to get up in the morning again.

You were watching them play a practice match against Karasuno when Kuroo came up to you with a sickening grin on his face - the kind that told you bad things were coming your way - and they were.
"Ne~ are you staring at Karasuno's libero?"
"Eh?!" Your face quickly turned hot, shocked that Kuroo had realized who you were staring at at all. He could have guessed anyone, and yet he some how knew exactly who it was.
"I knew it!" He laughed, "I also heard you and your friend talking earlier! Didn't know you had a thing for short guys."
"You heard that?!" You gasped, wondering if he was even human anymore.
"Sure did." He snickered, "So, Nishinoya huh? I guess I could see it. What is it about him other than his height?"
"W-why are you asking me this?" You sighed as he sat down beside you, as if ready for a full blown conversation about your liking Nishinoya-san.
"Because I wanna know, duh. Plus, I've never seen you be interested in anyone before."
"That's because all boys are idiots."
Kuroo gasped, a hand flying to his heart as if he had been shot, and he fake cried that you had insulted him.
"What about Kenma?"
"He's not as dumb as you, but he's still pretty dense."
"How about Yaku? He's pretty mature for our age."

"Hey, Y/N! What are you watching?"
You jumped, quickly pausing the video on your phone and closing the tab as if trying to pretend that you were never on it. You gripped your phone in your hand and turned towards the male, it was Yaku, and he was leaning over towards you.
"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay." You quickly replied, watching as he pointed to the spot beside you,
"Can I sit?"
"Oh, um, sure."
You watched as Yaku sat down beside you, sighing in relief and resting his arms on his knees before he turned to you again.
"So, that show you were watching - it's the newest episode of that popular anime right?"
Your eyes widened, "You know it?"
"Yeah, I like to keep up with it. The concept is pretty awesome, but sometimes I miss out cause I get so focused on other things."
"Oh I see. I never miss an episode."
"Man, if only there was an anime club. You'd fit in there."
"Probably not." You sighed, "I really like anime, but not that much. I wouldn't say I'm an Otaku."
"Ah I see, so we're more the same, then." He grinned, "What else do you do in your free time Y/N? I see you typing on your phone a lot too. Do you have an online friend or something?"
You blushed, scratching your cheek, "Ah, no, you see that is my... well I write stories..."
"You're a writer? Wow, Y/N that's so cool!"
"You think so?"
"Of course! I'd love to read your stuff some time, if you'd let me." He smiled and you couldn't help but smile back.
"Thank you, Yaku-san. Maybe one day."
"You know, Y/N-chan..." He mumbled after a short pause, "You're cute when you smile. You should do it more often."
Yaku wasn't like the other boys you've dealt with. He was strong and smart, and mature. He was still a young boy and a bit foolish at times, but without him you're sure the team would fall apart. You liked his humour and the way he looked out for his friends. You thought he was perfect.
"I think Yaku's cute too."
"You really do have a thing for short guys."
"Shut up!"

But your love was foolish. Even if you had let Kuroo help you get Nishinoya's number, you and him would never get along anyways, and your hopes were crushed when you overheard the boys talking about how they'd never date a girl who was taller than them.
You had asked Kuroo to leave it alone, you even got mad at him and told him to back off with a glare, but in that moment you felt betrayed. He was with them as they talked about their taste in girls, as if he started the conversation.
"I mean, Kiyoko-san is an absolute goddess, but personally I want a cute, short girlfriend who I could feel strong around. I want her to be able to lean on me, not the other way around."
"Yeah, having a girl be taller than you kind of hurts your pride."
"I've always liked girls shorter than me."
"If she was my height I wouldn't mind, but anything taller would be weird. I'd have to reach up to her! It's awkward."

So many girls I knew were so short, and they hated it. You were 5'8" and you wished you were just a little shorter. You liked being tall, you did, but it was awkward and unfortunate more than it was a good thing. Especially since the boys that you liked didn't like you back.
It shouldn't have been that big of a deal, but it was.
What was it going to take, for me to be good enough?
I was lame because I wasn't in any clubs.
I was weak because I don't play sports.
I was useless, and now my height is drawing me back too.


You were eating a small snack on the side of the gym while the others finished up their practice, and one of the boys came over to annoy you, curtesy of Kuroo.
"Y/N-chan! I heard you had a crush on Karasuno's libero?!"
"Who told you that, Yamamoto?"
"The captain did of course! Come on Y/N! Don't betray us like this! He already has Kiyoko, he doesn't deserve you!"
Maybe he was right... You wondered.
You smiled lightly. It was nice of him to say those things, but he wasn't saying them because he actually cared about you as a person. He was just saying that because you were a girl.
Well, at least he sees you as a good enough girl at all.
"It doesn't matter anyways. Nishinoya-san would never date someone taller than him." You sighed, making some of the other boys who'd gathered around go silent, "I don't think anyone would." You added in a whisper.
"Actually, u-um..." Yaku coughed, swallowing heavily as he rubbed the back of his neck, forcing himself to look at you, "I would!"
Your eyes widened, and now you were just confused.
"Sure, I hate being short and all, but if I could be with someone as beautiful as you then I would never care how tall you were."
"Oh ho ho~ About time, Yaku!"
"Shut it!"
You were red in the face now, and completely lost for words. You didn't know what to do, and Kuroo laughed and laughed and ruffled up your hair, but you didn't care. Yaku was so much better than Nishinoya, and you knew he would take care of you.
At that moment, you couldn't remember a time where anyone else had ever called you beautiful. It was just his voice, just his face.
He didn't think you were weird or lame or weak, he didn't think it would be awkward.
"Thank you Yaku-san!" You blurted out, cutting off his yelling at Lev, "I-I um...I would want to be with someone like you too, no matter how tall you were."

One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ