Damian Wayne X Reader

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"It's a whole new world!" You sang, twirling around in the vast space of Damian's front lawn.
"As impressively good your voice is, what are you singing?" Damian asked in a slight annoyed tone.
"It's a song from a Disney movie that Star Fire showed me. It was her first time seeing it as well. It's incredible what people can imagine, and then create."
He hummed, obviously not really caring. The boy was patient with you as I took your time exploring the lawn, the perfectly trimmed bushes and the flowers, ignoring how Alfred spoke quietly to Damian from a few feet behind you before heading on inside. You wanted to ask what they were saying, but you decided to let it be and continue on to the backyard.
Damian's dog, which he had told you much about, came sprinting into you and knocked you right over. You laughed as you attempted to push the dogs face away from yours.
"Titus!" Damian's voice deepened in a demanding tone and the dog backed off immediately.
You sighed heavily, resting your body on the ground as you attempted to wipe the slobber off of my face.
"That was intense." You coughed lightly as Damian helped you back to your feet, pulling a leaf out of your hair as you padded out your dress, "Pie isn't anything like that."
"Pie is a rabbit. Titus eats rabbits."
You gasped, turning to glare at Damian as he stood still and blunt as ever when you crossed your arms,
Rolling your eyes, you continued to go farther into the yard. The natural elements had already complimented the mansion enough, but upon seeing the small rectangular pool with a waterfall at the end, your excitement sky rocketed.
Water was the opposite of who you were, it was gentle and kind (most of the time) and you begged Damian to let you put your feet in. After about two minutes of asking with your hands together in a slightly bowed position and big puppy dog eyes, Damian finally cracked and sat beside you with his feet in the water too.
"It's so nice out today." You commented as you kicked your feet slowly through the water, "I never knew I'd miss that place, in the middle of the forest. But after being inside so much I kind of wanted to just set up camp on the beach of the towers island.
"You have a spot there, don't you?" Damian asked, "I know Star Fire made a pit for you."
"Yes, she did. It's still there, two unlit torches beside it. She made a stone path up to it and everything, it's almost like sitting in a fireplace. It was beautiful when she showed it to me... but I've never used it."
Damian was quiet for a moment as he thought, "You don't have to be afraid to go back there. It could help you be stronger. This time, you're not alone there."
You smiled lightly in thought, "I know. Maybe I'll light it when I get back."


Inside the mansion was a whole other story. You stayed close to Damian's side in fear of getting lost, much like you did to Star Fire when you first moved into the Titan's tower. Damian gave you a short tour before he took your hand and led you away from his fathers office where he found you standing at, walking up the stairs and into a relatively empty room.
Well, all except for the grand piano and violin stand.
"Can you play these instruments, Damian?" You asked, walking over to the piano and running my finger along the edges.
"The violin, yes." He replied, "Would you like to listen?"
You smiled, "Classical?"
Damian chuckled lightly as he picked up his instrument and rested it on his shoulder, "I'm glad I can trust you have a good taste in music."

When Damian pulled the bow away from the strings of the violin, his eyes opened slowly and he turned his gaze from his silenced instrument to you. You sat still on the piano bench, the content and peaceful feeling in your heart spreading through your body and being portrayed through your eyes. You stayed still like that for a moment too long, just staring into each others eyes fondly.
A clapping snapped you out of it, and your heads turned to the door where an older man stood with a cunning grin on his face as he clapped.
"Amazing as usual, Damian. And I see you've brought a girl home." He began, coming forward and bending over in front of you, "My names Dick, and you?"
"Y/N." You replied confidently, doing your best not to stutter. If this man had any relation to Damian, you wanted to make sure you left a good impression.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl."
Your eyes widened slightly, did he just...?
"Grayson. What are you doing here?" Damian asked, a scowl on his face as he glared at the male, who was smirking back at him.
"I was visiting. Alfred's making cookies, by the way."
Your eyes widened at the mention of the dessert, and Dick took quick notice, "And it seems the pretty lady would like some."
You glanced at Damian, hesitant under his strong gaze, "I would."
The younger took a moment to sigh silently, continuing to glare at Grayson as he told him that 'we'd be down in a moment' finally getting the male to leave us alone once again.
Putting his violin away securely, you sat still until Damian came over and you stood to be at eye level with him.
"Dick Grayson is my oldest adoptive brother." He explained, turning to lead you out of the room, "He didn't make you too uncomfortable, did he?"
You shook your head lightly, "No, I was quite confused, though. Maybe a little intimidated. It's odd, I've never really felt that way before. Not even with you."
"What do you mean?"
"Damian, you could surely learn to smile a bit more."
He only scoffed.

You moaned lightly in content, reaching for your fourth as Damian watched me, his second was only half done in his hand. Dick laughed, telling you to slow down before you choked. You shook your head in response, though you kept it to myself that you had never had cookies before, smiling lightly as both Alfred and Dick laughed once again.
After you were done that one, Damian cut your off, and you pouted as he rolled his eyes.
"Damian has a point, miss Y/N. You'll spoil your dinner." Alfred commented, finally silencing your dumb argument to just eat all of the cookies while they were warm.
"Alright. Can we go back outside?" You asked Damian, "I want to try and pet Titus this time."
"As you wish." Damian stood from his seat, holding out his hand for you, you took it and followed him out the back door, ignoring the mumbles of Dick and Alfred from behind us as we left.

"Damian?" You began after a long period of silence, the two of us watching the sunset, Titus was asleep with his head on your lap and you pet him gently.
"Yes, Y/N?"
"Do you think I could ever go to school?"
You felt his gaze turn to you, he seemed slightly shocked at the question, and you slowly forced myself to look back at him. Damian's skin was flawless in the bleeding light of the sun melting into the horizon. He was a bit more defined now, but he was still the same boy who came to you and brought you out of the fire so you could begin to live your life as a human instead of a god.
"If you really want to, I'm sure my father could arrange something. It might be hard with your Titan duties, though."
"That's alright. I'd like to try it... you gave me the chance to be a human, and I think I would regret it if I skipped out on school. I want to be like the other kids, they have so many friends."
"Are you alright, Y/N?"
"I think, as long as you're near by, I'm happy."

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